조사회사 : TECHCET 출판년월 : 2023년10월
Ceramic: Fabricated Parts, Material Segment For Semi-Conductor Applications
이 세라믹 보고서에는 원자재를 포함한 세라믹 시장 역학 및 공급망에 대한 심층적인 정보가 포함되어 있습니다. 시장 점유율, 시장 예측, 원자재 공급업체 그리고 생산 능력과 기술 동향 및 요구 사항도 공급업체 프로필의 전체 섹션과 함께 포함되어 있습니다.
구성 | 영문조사보고서 |
페이지 수 | 210 ※ |
도표 수 | 49 |
가격(사이트 라이센스) | USD 8,900 |
※Chapter 7 (Supplier Profiles)의 페이지수는 포함되어 있지 않습니다.
Report Overview
Techcet「세라믹 (Ceramic) : 반도체용 조립 부품의 재료 시장 – 2023년 – Ceramic: Fabricated Parts, Material Segment For Semi-Conductor Applications」는 원료, 시장 점유율, 시장 예측, 원료 공급 업체 및 생산 능력을 포함한 세라믹 시장의 역학 및 공급 체인에 대한 자세한 정보를 제공합니다.
주요 게재 내용
- 이그제큐티브 요약
- 재료 세그먼트 사업 개요
- 알루미나
- 질화알루미나(AIN)와 SiC
- Al2O3 / HPA
- 기타 재료
- M&A
- OverView
- 조사 범위, 목적, 방법론
- 시장 전망
- 재료 시장의 촉진 요인과 역학
- 세라믹 재료의 용도 및 공급 업체
- 재료 부족과 공급망 압박
- 재료 동향
- 기술적 촉진요인/재료의 변화와 변천
- 지역별 동향/촉진 요인 해설
- EHS, 물류, 외인성(기후)의 시장 과제
- 공급자 시장 환경
- 세라믹 시장 전반의 규모와 예측
- 세라믹 공급자 시장 점유율
- 세라믹 성분의 시장 요약
- M&A
- 기존 공급 업체의 확장 또는 신규 공장
- 생존 위기에 처한 공급업체 및 부품/제품 라인
- 가격 동향
- 질화알루미늄(AlN) 시장
- 알루미나 (Al2O3) 및 기타 산화물 (BN, YtO, ZrO) 구성 요소
- 실리콘 카바이드/CVD SiC 시장
- 지역별 세라믹 시장
- 공정별 세라믹 가공
- Tier 2 공급자 재료 공급 체인
- 공급자 정보(패브리케이터)
The Ceramics Report includes in-depth information on the ceramics market dynamics and supply chain, including raw materials. Market shares, market forecast as well as raw material suppliers and capacity are included. Technical trends and requirements are also included along with a full section of supplier profiles.
보도 자료
Semiconductor Ceramic Parts Market to Rebound in 2024
New investments in CVD SiC expected from equipment component suppliers
San Diego, CA, November 22, 2023: TECHCET — the electronic materials advisory firm providing business and technology information on semiconductor supply chains — has announced that the consumable ceramic equipment parts market will contract by -5% in 2023 to US$2.5 billion. Ceramic fabricated parts, including alumina (Al2O3), aluminum nitride (AlN), silicon carbide (SiC), and chemical vapor deposition SiC (CVD- SiC), are consumed as components in semiconductor process equipment, meaning that market trends are directly tied to fab wafer production and semiconductor equipment sales. The ceramic fabricated parts market will grow on the order of 2% to 5% in 2024, and will top over US$3 billion by 2027, as indicated in the graph below from TECHCET’s newly released Critical Materials Market Report on Ceramics™.
Previous backlogs from 2020-2022 in the Ceramic Parts Market have gradually cleared given the industry slowdown, which is allowing some fabricators time to work on efficiency improvement projects. Long lead-times for large SiC components previously stretched to over 1 year, though they have shortened slightly.
Semiconductor equipment makers using CVD SiC will continue for the foreseeable future, driving growth of CVD SiC used for advanced semiconductor capital equipment applications. New investments in growing CVD SiC capacity are finally beginning to appear after previous supply shortages. The 2023 lead-time in CVD SiC has improved, so this is a good sign for this segment of the industry, which TECHCET expects to see strong growth in. Given the expense and expertise needed, it is difficult for new players to enter the CVD SiC market. However, large silicon and quartz suppliers are expected to enter this market segment over the next several years.
Both the SiC and AlN markets will continue to exhibit stronger growth than alumina and other ceramic materials due to contributions to increasing productivity, reduced defects, and process requirements for next-generation thermal processes.
200 mm component market demand is still ongoing and well supported by small ceramics grind shops/fabricators. With that said, there are indications that ceramic fabricators in China are suffering more than their overseas competitors in 2023. This is due to the economic situation in China, the US/China geopolitical situation, and US customers buying less components from Chinese sources. In some cases, there could be a much greater revenue drop in 2023 for some of those suppliers.
ABOUT TECHCET: TECHCET CA LLC is an advisory services firm expert in market and supply-chain analysis of electronic materials for the semiconductor, display, solar/PV, and LED industries. TECHCET offers consulting, subscription service, and reports, including the Critical Materials Council (CMC) of semiconductor fabricators and Data Subscription Service (DSS).
Table of Contents
1 Executive Summary………8
1.1 Highlight Material Segment Business Overview …….. 8
1.2 Alumina ………. 10
1.3 Aluminum Nitride (AlN) & SiC …….. 10
1.4 CVD SiC …….. 11
1.5 Al2O3 / HPA……… 12
1.6 Other Materials…….. 12
1.7 M & A……….. 12
1.8 General Comments……… 12
2 Scope, Purpose and Methodology …… 13
2.1 Scope ……….. 13
2.2 Purpose…….. 13
2.3 Methodology……… 13
2.4 Overview of Other TECHCET CMR™ Reports …….. 14
3 Market Outlook………. 15
3.1 Semiconductor Industry Market Status & Outlook….. 15
3.2 Global Economy…….. 15
3.2.1 Semiconductor Industries Ties to the Global Economy …..17
3.2.2 Semiconductor Sales Growth………18
3.2.3 Taiwan Monthly Sales Trends ……..19
3.3 Electronic Goods Market……. 20
3.3.1 Electronic Goods Market……….20
3.3.2 Automotive Sales ………22
3.3.3 Servers / IT ……….24
3.4 Semiconductor Fabrication Growth & Expansion ……. 24
3.4.3 Equipment Spending Trends…….27
3.4.4 Technology Roadmaps……….28
3.4.5 Policy and Trade Issues ………28
3.5 Semiconductor Materials Outlook…….. 29
3.5.1 Could Materials Capacity Limit Chip Production Schedules ….29
3.5.2 Continued Logistics Issues Plague the Western World……30
3.5.3 Wafer Start Growth………30
3.5.4 Materials Forecast……..31
4 Material Market Drivers & Dynamics…….. 33
4.1 Ceramic Material Applications and Suppliers……. 33
4.1.1 Thermal Processes ……….35
4.1.2 Dry Etching Process………36
4.1.3 Deposition: Plasma CVD and PVD ……..36
4.1.4 Epitaxial Process……..36
4.2 Material Shortages and Supply Chain Constraints…… 37
4.3 Materials Trends ……… 38
4.4 Technical Drivers / Material Changes and Transitions…… 39
4.4.1 Material Trends for the Leading-Edge …….40
4.4.2 Trends/Impact/Status of Legacy Materials (200 mm & 150 mm) ….40
4.5 Comment on Regional Trends/Drivers…….. 41
4.6 EHS, Logistic, AND Exogenous (Weather) Market Issues…… 42
5 Supplier Market Landscape ……. 44
5.1 Ceramics Overall Market Size and Forecast……. 44
5.1.1 Ceramic Components Fabricators:…….45
5.2 Ceramic Suppliers Total Market Share Roll-up …….. 49
5.3 Ceramic Component Market Summary……. 50
5.3.1 2022 to 2023 Market Dynamics – OEMS and Chip Fabs….52
5.4 M&A Activity……… 53
5.5 Expansions or New Plants of Existing Suppliers……. 53
5.6 Suppliers or Parts/Product Line that Are at Risk of Discontinuation…. 55
5.7 Pricing Trends…….. 55
5.8 Aluminum Nitride (AlN) Market Segment…… 55
5.8.1 AlN Competitive Market Shares & Activity ……57
5.9 Alumina (Al2O3) and Other Oxides (BN, YtO, ZrO) Components …. 58
5.9.1 Al2O3 Opportunities and Impact of Automotive Applications…..60
5.10 Silicon Carbide / CVD SiC Market Segment……. 62
5.10.1 CVD SiC……….64
5.10.2 Alternatives to SiC Component Technology……..67
5.11 Ceramics Market Regional Activity……. 68
5.12 Ceramic Fabrication by Process Segment …… 70
6 Sub tier material supply chain …… 71
6.1 Sub-Tier, Ceramic Blank Manufacturers…… 71
6.2 Aluminia (Al2O3) Production Process ……. 72
6.2.1 Vertically Integrated Alumina Producers……75
6.3 Silicon Carbide – SiC Sub-tier Players & Price Points…… 75
6.4 Yttria Powder Production Players & Price Points….. 76
6.5 M&A of Raw Materials Companies……. 77
6.6 New Plants or Expansions…….. 77
6.7 Plant Closures & Products at risk of discontinuation ….. 77
7 Supplier profiles (Fabricators)……. 78
8 Appendices ………. 210
Figure 1: Total Ceramics Market Forecast and Growth Estimates (2022-2027)….8
Figure 2: Global Economy and the Electronics Supply Chain (2022 …. 17
Figure 3: Worldwide Semiconductor Sales ……… 18
Figure 4: Monthly Sales Trends of Taiwan Outsource Manufacturers…… 19
Figure 5: 2022 Semiconductor Chip Applications…… 20
Figure 6: Mobile Phone Shipments WW Estimates…… 21
Figure 7: Worldwide PC and Tablet Forecast, 2021, Q3…….. 22
Figure 8: Electrification Trend by World Region ……. 23
Figure 9: Semiconductor Spend per Vehicle Type ……. 23
Figure 10: Chip Expansions 2022-2027, about US$336 B …….. 25
Figure 11: US Chip Fab Expansions…….. 26
Figure 12: Overview of Logic Device Technology Roadmaps….. 28
Figure 13: Europe Chip Expansion Upside…….. 30
Figure 14: 200mm Wafer Equiv Starts/year ……… 31
Figure 15: Global Semiconductor Materials Outlook …… 32
Figure 16: Ceramic Products for Semiconductor Applications…. 34
Figure 17: Fabricated Ceramics Components for Thermal Process….. 35
Figure 18: Fabricated Ceramics Components for Dry Etching Process….. 36
Figure 19: Total Ceramics Market Forecast and Growth Estimates (2020-2027)….. 45
Figure 20: 2022 Market Shares for All Ceramics (incl. SiC/CVD SiC) ….. 49
Figure 21: WW Ceramics Components Forecast ……. 51
Figure 22: Aluminum Nitride (AlN) Components Forecast and Growth Estimate … 56
Figure 23: AlN Parts Fabricator Market Share Estimates (as a % of total revenues) .. 58
Figure 24: Alumina (+ other oxides) Component Revenue Forecast Estimate …. 59
Figure 25: Alumina + BN, Yt2O3, ZrO2 Parts Fabricator Market Share Estimate (as a % of total
revenues)………… 60
Figure 26: 99.8% and HPA (99.99) Alumina Components Forecast (metric tons) … 61
Figure 27: SiC Components Market Revenues ($M’s USD)……. 63
Figure 28: SiC (+ CVD SiC) Components Market Shares (as a % of total revenues).. 64
Figure 29: CVD SiC Components Market Forecast ……. 65
Figure 30: CVD SiC Components by Share of Application (as % of total revenues)…. 66
Figure 31: CVD SiC Components Relative Pricing…… 67
Figure 32: 2022 Regional Sales / Shares of Equipment Components (% of end-use location) …. 68
Figure 33: 2023 Regional Performance Comparison of Fabricators by Country (1=2022 Revenue)
… 69
Figure 34: 2022 Equipment and Ceramic Parts Demand by Technology Nodes… 70
Figure 35: Global Bauxite Mining Locations (as a % of total metric tons) …. 73
Figure 36: Alumina Production by Region (as a % of total metric tons) …. 74
Figure 37: Specialty Alumina Powder by Supplier (Raw Material as a % of total metric tons).. 74
Table 1: Ceramic Segment Revenues and CAGRs …… 10
Table 2: TECHCET Critical Material Reports……… 14
Table 3: Global GDP and Semiconductor Revenues…… 15
Table 4: Table 3: IMF World Economic Outlook ……. 16
Table 5: Total Fabricated Ceramic Components Revenue History and Forecast* … 45
Table 6: Ceramic Fabricators (including SiC) Offerings…….. 47
Table 7: 2022 TECHCET WW Ceramics Components 5-year Forecast …. 51
Table 8: Total SIC Components Market Revenues Forecast and CVD SiC Split ($M’s USD) … 63
Table 9: Production Ranking of Ceramic Blank Manufacturers …… 72
Table 10: Product Offerings and Purity of Leading Alumina Powder Producers….. 75
Table 11: High Purity Silicon Carbide Powder Producers Ranking ….. 76
Table 12: High Purity Alumina Nitride Powder Producers Ranking ….. 213