출판:Juniper Research(주니퍼 리서치) 출판년도:2022년10월
5G Monetisation: Business Models, Strategic Recommendations & Market Forecasts 2022-2027
Juniper Research 는 세계 5G 서비스의 수익이 2023년 3,150억 달러에 이르렀고, 운영자의 총 수익의 35%가 5G 서비스의 수익이 될 것이라고 예측했다.
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Juniper Research 의 5G 수익화: 비즈니스 모델, 전략적 제안, 시장 예측 2022-2027년 – 5G Monetisation: Business Models, Strategic Recommendations & Market Forecasts 2022-2027 은 5G 수익화에 주목하여 수익원 되는 주요 네트워크 기술, 서비스, 시장 섹터를 조사하여 상세한 분석·예측 결과를 제공하고 있습니다.

조사 및 시장 분석 대상인 5G 섹터는 다음과 같습니다.
- 소비자 용도
- 상업적 용도
- 자동차
- 증강 현실(AR) 및 가상 현실(VR/가상 현실)
- 의료
- 기업용 모바일 광대역
- 스마트 시티
- 스마트 홈
주요 게시물
- 5G 수익화 기회 분석 : 주요 시장 성장 촉진 요인, 기술적 과제, 주요 시장 서비스의 이해 관계자를위한 전략적 제안
- 자동차 연결
- 고정 무선 액세스
- 사물 인터넷(IoT)
- 모바일 엔터테인먼트
- 모바일 게임
- 원격 의료 서비스
- 스마트 시티 서비스
- 스마트 홈 솔루션
- 5G 비즈니스 모델 평가: 다음 영역에 대한 5G 배포 및 성공 사례를 기반으로 네트워크 공급업체 및 네트워크 사업자에 대한 전략적 제안
- 5G 가격 전략
- AI를 활용한 5G 네트워크 서비스
- 주요 5G 파트너십
- 네트워크 슬라이싱 기능
- 비독립형 및 독립형 롤아웃
- 가상 환경
- 산업 예측: 세계 8개 지역 37개국의 5G 연결 관련 시장 데이터
- 북미: 캐나다, 미국
- 라틴 아메리카: 아르헨티나, 브라질, 칠레, 콜롬비아, 에콰도르, 멕시코, 페루, 우루과이
- 서유럽: 오스트리아, 벨기에, 덴마크, 핀란드, 프랑스, 독일, 그리스, 아일랜드, 이탈리아, 네덜란드, 노르웨이, 포르투갈, 스페인, 스웨덴, 스위스, 영국
- 중동유럽: 크로아티아, 체코, 헝가리, 폴란드, 루마니아, 러시아, 터키, 우크라이나
- 극동과 중국; 중국, 홍콩, 일본, 한국
- 인도 아대륙: 방글라데시, 인도, 네팔, 파키스탄
- 기타 아시아 태평양 지역: 호주, 인도네시아, 말레이시아, 뉴질랜드, 필리핀, 싱가포르, 태국, 베트남
- 아프리카 & 중동: 알제리, 이집트, 이스라엘, 케냐, 쿠웨이트, 나이지리아, 카타르, 사우디 아라비아, 남아프리카, 아랍 에미리트
- Juniper Research의 경쟁 스코어보드 : 주요 5G 기술 공급업체 18개 기업의 특성과 능력 평가
- Airspan
- Ciena
- Cisco Systems
- Comba Telecom
- CommScope
- Ericsson
- Fujitsu(富士通)
- Huawei
- Intel
- Mavenir
- NEC(日本電気)
- Nokia Networks
- Qualcomm
- Samsung Networks
- Siemens
- Siklu
- Telit
이 보고서는 다음 질문에 대한 답변으로 이어지는 정보를 제공합니다.
- 운영자가 5G 네트워크에 대한 투자 회수를 가장 크게 할 수 있는 서비스는 무엇인가?
- 2027년까지 5G 서비스의 총 시장 가치는?
- 향후 5년 동안 5G 서비스에 중요한 새로운 비즈니스 기회는 어디에 있습니까?
- 독립형 네트워크는 5G 서비스 제공에 어떤 영향을 미치는가?
- 향후 5년간 가장 수요가 높아지는 5G 네트워크의 부가가치 서비스는?
Report Overview
Juniper Research’s 5G Monetisation report provides critical insights on monetisation models for 5G market stakeholders, including assessment of key network technologies, services and market sectors that generate revenue. It includes strategic recommendations for network operators and network vendors, aligned to a Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard that includes the leading 5G network vendors.
Juniper Research의 5G 수익 창출 보고서는 수익을 창출하는 주요 네트워크 기술, 서비스 및 시장 부문에 대한 평가를 포함하여 5G 시장 이해 관계자를 위한 수익 창출 모델에 대한 중요한 통찰력을 제공합니다. 여기에는 선도적인 5G 네트워크 공급업체를 포함하는 Juniper Research 경쟁자 리더보드에 따라 조정된 네트워크 사업자 및 네트워크 공급업체를 위한 전략적 권장 사항이 포함되어 있습니다.
The research features in-depth analysis of pricing strategies for 5G verticals and forecasts for data traffic per 5G connection across consumer connections and key IoT verticals.
5G sector coverage and market analysis provided for:
- Consumer Applications
- Consumer Mobile Broadband
- Personal Devices
- Commercial Applications
- Automotive
- Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality
- Healthcare
- Enterprise Mobile Broadband
- Smart Cities
- Smart Homes
This research suite includes:
- Competitor Leaderboard (PDF)
- Data & Forecasting (PDF)
- Market Trends & Strategies (PDF)
- 12 Months’ Access to harvest Online Data Platform
Key Market Statistics |
Revenue size in 2022: |
$195bn |
Revenue size in 2023: |
$315bn |
2022 to 2023 growth: |
Over 60% |
- 5G Monetisation Opportunity Analysis: An evaluation of strategies, key market drivers, technological challenges and strategic recommendations for stakeholders across key market services, including:
- Automotive Connectivity
- Fixed Wireless Access
- Internet of Things
- Mobile Commerce Services
- Mobile Entertainment
- Mobile Gaming
- Remote Healthcare Services
- Smart City Services
- Smart Home Solutions
- 5G Business Model Evaluation: Key insights into the future of 5G development and strategic recommendations to network vendors and network operators on best practices. Areas assessed include:
- 5G Pricing Strategies
- AI-based 5G Network Services
- Key 5G Partnerships
- Network Slicing Functions
- Non-standalone and Standalone Roll-outs
- Virtual Environments
- Benchmark Industry Forecasts: Provided for adoption, connections, operator-billed revenue and data attributable to 5G connections for 8 global regions and 37 countries including:
- North America:
- Latin America:
- Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay
- West Europe:
- Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK
- Central & East Europe:
- Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine
- Far East & China:
- China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea
- Indian Subcontinent:
- Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan
- Rest of Asia Pacific:
- Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
- Africa & Middle East:
- Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Kenya, Kuwait, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates
- Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Key player capability and capacity assessment of 18 leading 5G technology vendors, including:
- Airspan
- Ciena
- Cisco Systems
- Comba Telecom
- CommScope
- Ericsson
- Fujitsu
- Huawei
- Intel
- Mavenir
- Nokia Networks
- Qualcomm
- Samsung Networks
- Siemens
- Siklu
- Telit
- Which services will best position operators to maximise a return on investment into 5G networks?
- What will the total market value of 5G services be by 2027?
- What are the key emerging opportunities for 5G service delivery over the next 5 years?
- How will standalone networks impact the delivery of 5G services?
- Which value-added services over 5G networks will be most demanded over the next 5 years?
Included in Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Airspan, Ciena, Cisco Systems, Comba Telecom, CommScope, Ericsson, Fujistu, Huawei, Intel, Mavenir, NEC, Nokia Networks, Qualcomm, Samsung Networks, Siemens, Siklu, Telit, ZTE.
Mentioned: 3 Hong Kong, Accenture, Acer, Airtel, Amazon, Amiti Ventures, Apple, Argonaut Private Equity, ARRIS, AsiaInfo, ASOCS, Asus, AT&T, Beijing Guodu Interconnection Technology Co, Ltd, BMW, Bosch, British Telecom, Capgemini, Cellwize, Centina Systems, CGI, China Mobile, China Sports Media, China Telecom, China Unicom, Chunghwa Telecom, Cradlepoint, CSPG (China Southern Power Grid), Deutsche Telekom, DFJ Tamir Fishman, Dish, DOCOMO, DoubleRadius, Etisalat, Evergreen Venture Partners, EY, Fibocom Wireless, Foxconn, Fractus, France Telecom, Fujitsu, General Motors, GoGo, Google, Gree, Gt, Habana Labs, HP, Hutchison Telecommunications, IBM , Imeve, ip.access, Jiangsu Hengtong Optic-Electric, Jio, KDDI, Korea Semiconductor, Korea Telecom, Lenovo, LG U+ , Lufthansa, Microsoft, Mimosa Networks, Moovit, Nanjing Shumai Information Technology Co, Ltd, NEA, Netcracker, Nippon Steel, Norcat, NTT (Nippon Telegraph & Telephone), O2, Oak Investment Partners, Orange, Panasonic, Purple Mountain Laboratories, Rakuten, Renault, RUCKUS, Saab, Salesforce, Sandvik, Sennheiser , Shanghai Dahan Tricom Co, Ltd, Siemens, SigOpt, SK Telecom, Smartfren, SoftBank, Sprint, STC, Tamares Capital, TD Tech , Telefónica, Telstra Corp Ltd, Thales, TIM, T-Mobile US, Toyota, Turkcell, Verizon, Vlocity, VMware, Vodafone, Winncom Technologies, Xiaomi, Zain, Zihlabs.
- Consumer Applications
- Consumer Mobile Broadband
- Personal Devices
- Commercial Applications
- Automotive
- Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality
- Healthcare
- Enterprise Mobile Broadband
- Smart Cities
- Smart Homes
Metrics include the total number of connections, total service revenue from connectivity and total data consumption.
Geographical splits: 60 countries
Number of tables: Over 100 tables
Number of datapoints: Over 46,000 datapoints
Juniper Research’s highly granular interactive Excels enable clients to manipulate Juniper Research’s forecast data and charts to test their own assumptions using the interactive scenario tool and compare select markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase clients’ ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.
harvest: Our online data platform, harvest, contains the very latest market data and is updated throughout the year. This is a fully featured platform enabling clients to better understand key data trends and manipulate charts and tables; overlaying different forecasts within the one chart – using the comparison tool. Empower your business with our market intelligence centre, and receive alerts whenever your data is updated.
Interactive Excels (IFxl): Our IFxl tool enables clients to manipulate both forecast data and charts, within an Excel environment, to test their own assumptions using the interactive scenario tool and compare selected markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase a client’s ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.
Operator-billed 5G service revenue will reach $315 billion in 2023; rising from $195 billion in 2022. This represents a growth of over 60% in a single year. This growth in revenue will be driven by the accelerating migration of cellular subscriptions to 5G networks, owing to operator strategies that minimise or remove any premium over existing 4G subscription offerings. Over 600 million new 5G subscriptions will be created next year despite the anticipated economic downturn in 2023.
- The growth of 5G networks will continue; over 80% of global operator-billed revenue will be attributable to 5G connections by 2027. The telecommunications industry demonstrated its robustness against the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the growth of 5G will also be resilient against this economic downturn owing to the vital importance of mobile Internet connectivity today.
- Despite the growth of the Internet of Things, revenue from consumer connections will continue to be the cornerstone of 5G operator revenue growth. Over 95% of global 5G connections in 2027 will be connected personal devices such as smartphones, tablets and mobile broadband routers.
- In addition, the ability of standalone 5G networks to offer ‘network slicing’ will act as the ideal platform for the growth of 5G private network revenue. Standalone 5G uses next-generation core networks which support network slicing technology, which can be used to take a ‘slice’ of public 5G infrastructure and provide it to private network users. In turn, this helps to mitigate the cost of private 5G network hardware and increase its overall value proposition, all against a background of deteriorating macro-economic conditions.
보고서 구성 및 가격표
전체 세트(1과 2 모두 구입) |
GBP3,750 |
(1) 동향 및 전략 조사 |
- 시장 동향 및 전략 보고서(PDF)
Market trends &strategies report
GBP 1,990 |
- 경쟁 점수판 보고서(PDF)
Competitor leaderboard report
GBP 1,990 |
(2) 시장 규모 및 예측 |
GBP 2,990 |
- 시장 데이터, 예측, 분석 보고서(PDF)
Market data, forecasts and analysis report (pdf)
- 시장 데이터, 예측, 인터랙티브 데이터(Excel)
Market data, forecasts and interactivity (xls)
- 분기 업데이트: 시장 데이터 및 예측(PDF&Excel&온라인 액세스)
Quarterly updates to market data & forecasts (pdf, xls, online access)
- 최신 데이터에 대한 12개월 액세스
harvest market data platform (12 months’ online access)
[보도 자료]
Hampshire, UK – 24th October 2022: A new study from Juniper Research has found that operator‑billed 5G service revenue will reach $315 billion in 2023; rising from $195 billion in 2022. This represents growth of over 60% in a single year. The research predicts this increase in revenue will be driven by the accelerating migration of cellular subscriptions to 5G networks; owing to operator strategies that minimise or remove any premium over existing 4G subscription offerings. It forecasts that over 600 million new 5G subscriptions will be created next year, despite the anticipated economic downturn in 2023.
5G Service Revenue to Represent 80% of Global Operator Revenue by 2027
The report predicts that the growth of 5G networks will continue, and over 80% of global operator‑billed revenue will be attributable to 5G connections by 2027. The telecommunications industry demonstrated its robustness against the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the report projects that the growth of 5G will also be resilient against this economic downturn; owing to the vital importance of mobile Internet connectivity today.
Research co-author Olivia Williams noted: “Despite the growth of the Internet of Things, revenue from consumer connections will continue to be the cornerstone of 5G operator revenue increase. Over 95% of global 5G connections in 2027 will be connected personal devices such as smartphones, tablets and mobile broadband routers.”
Private Networks Represent a Key Opportunity for Operators
In addition, the report predicts that the ability of standalone 5G networks to offer ‘network slicing’ will act as the ideal platform for the growth of 5G private network revenue. Standalone 5G uses next‑generation core networks supporting network slicing technology, which can be used to take a ‘slice’ of public 5G infrastructure and provide it to private network users. In turn, this helps mitigate the cost of private 5G network hardware and increase its overall value proposition, all against a background of deteriorating macro-economic conditions.
Juniper Research provides research and analytical services to the global hi-tech communications sector; providing consultancy, analyst reports and industry commentary.
※풀 세트(GBP3, 750)의 목차입니다. 상세 목차 및 기타 보고서는 연락주시면 이메일로 보내드립니다.
1. Market Trends & Strategies
1. Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations
1.1 Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations …….4
1.1.1 Key Takeaways…………..4
1.1.4 Strategic Recommendations………..4
2. 5G Future Outlook
2.1 Introduction to 5G Markets …………6
2.2 Supply and Demand for 5G Services over the Next Five Years……6
Figure 2.2: Total 5G Commercial IoT & Automotive Operator-billed Revenue
($m), Split by 6 Key Sector 2020-2027 ………7
2.2.1 5G Personal Devices …………7
i. Factors Driving the 5G Devices Market ……..7
ii. Factors Limiting the Growth of the 5G Services Market …….8
Figure 2.3: Total Number of 5G Consumer Device Connections (m), Split by 8
Key Regions, 2022 & 2027 ……….8
2.2.2 5G FWA Routers ……….8
i. Factors Driving the 5G FWA Market ………8
2.2.3 5G-connected Vehicles …………9
2.3 Analysis of Select 5G Launches……….9
i. The Philippines ………….10
ii. South Korea…………..10
iii. China …………10
iv. The US…………..10
v. The UK……………10
Figure 2.4: Total Data Generated per 5G Connection by 2027 (PB), Split by 30
Select Countries………….. 11
3. 5G Monetisation & Business Models
3.1 Operator Analysis of 5G ……….. 13
Figure 3.1: Total 5G Operator-billed Revenue ($m) Split by 8 Key Regions, 2019-
2027 ……………..13
3.2 Services Analysis …………… 14
Table 3.2: 5G Use Cases with Revenue Potential………15
i. Differences between 5G NSA and 5G SA …… 15
3.2.1 Pricing of 5G Services ………… 16
Figure 3.3: 5G Blended ARPC (Consumer & Enterprise) ($), Split by 8 Key
Regions, 2019-2027……………16
3.2.2 Value-added Services ………… 17
i. AI-based Analytics ………… 17
ii. Network Slicing ………… 17
iii. Scalable Networks ………. 17
iv. Virtualisation of Network Functions …….. 17
v. Additional Network Security Requirements …….. 18
3.2.3 The Need for Increased Partnerships Between Network Operators and
Industries That Use 5G Networks ……… 18
4. 5G Sector Analysis
4.1 5G Sector Forecast Analysis …………. 20
4.1.1 Personal Cellular Device Contracts………. 20
Figure 4.1: Global Number of 5G-capable Smartphones (m), 2021-2026….20
4.2 FWA…………….. 20
Figure 4.2: FWA Connectivity……….21
Figure 4.3: Countries with Live Commercial 5G FWA Networks in August 2022 ..22
4.2.1 IoT Connectivity and VAS (Value-added Services)…… 22
i. 5G and IoT Use Cases ……….23
ii. VAS …………23
4.2.2 Automotive Industry ……….23
Figure 4.4: Total 5G Automotive Data Usage (PB), Split by 8 Key Regions,
2019-2027 ………….. 24
4.2.3 Mobile Entertainment Services ……..25
i.The Benefits of Edge Computing to Mobile Entertainment ….25
Figure 4.5: Cloud Gaming Content Computing and Delivery Architecture… 26
4.2.4 Adoption of MEC by Operators ……..26
4.3 Mobile Gaming …………..27
i. Cloud Gaming ………..27
4.4 Remote Healthcare Services & Mobile Health Services….27
4.4.1 Smart City Services………….27
i. 5G in Smart Cities ………….28
ii. Limitations of 5G in Smart Cities ………..28
4.4.2 Smart Home Solutions ………….28
i. 5G in Smart Homes ……….28
4.4.3 Mobile Commerce Services ……..29
i. Uses of 5G Technology in Banking ………29
ii. Monetising Opportunities ……….30
2. Competitor Leaderboard
1. Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard
1.1 Why Read This Report………….5
Table 1.1: Juniper Research Leaderboard: 5G Network Vendors Included &
Product Portfolio……………6
Figure 1.2: Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: 5G Network Vendors…7
Table 1.3: Juniper Research Leaderboard: 5G Networks Vendors & Positioning …7
Table 1.4: Juniper Research Leaderboard Heatmap: 5G Network Vendors …8
2. Company Profiles
2.1 5G Monetisation Vendor Profiles………10
2.1.1 Airspan …………10
i. Corporate …………..10
ii. Geographical Spread………..10
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships……..10
iv. High-level View of Offerings ……….10
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities…11
2.1.2 Ciena…………11
i. Corporate …………..11
ii. Geographical Spread………..11
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……..11
iv. High-level View of Offerings ……….12
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities…12
2.1.3 Cisco Systems ………….12
i. Corporate …………..12
Table 2.1: Cisco’s Select Financial Information ($bn), 2018-2021 …. 13
ii. Geographical Spread………..13
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……. 13
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 13
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities .. 14
2.1.4 Comba Telecom…………. 14
i. Corporate………….. 14
Table 2.2: Comba’s Select Financial Information ($m), 2018-2020…….14
ii. Geographical Spread ………. 14
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……. 14
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 15
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities .. 15
2.1.5 CommScope …………… 15
i. Corporate………….. 15
ii. Geographical Spread ………. 16
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……. 16
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 16
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities .. 17
2.1.6 Ericsson…………… 17
i. Corporate………….. 17
Table 2.3: Ericsson’s Select Financial Information (SEK b), 2018-2021…..17
ii. Geographical Spread ………. 17
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……. 18
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 19
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities .. 19
2.1.7 Fujitsu………….. 20
i. Corporate………….. 20
ii. Geographical Spread ………. 20
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……. 20
iv. High-level View of Offerings ……….21
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities…21
2.1.8 Huawei………….21
i. Corporate …………..21
Table 2.4: Huawei’s Select Financial Information (m CNY), 2018-2021 … 22
ii. Geographical Spread………..22
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……..22
iv. High-level View of Offerings ……….22
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities…23
2.1.9 Intel …………..23
i. Corporate …………..23
Table 2.5: Intel’s Select Financial Information ($bn), 2018-2021…… 24
ii. Geographical Spread………..24
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……..24
iv. High-level View of Offerings ……….25
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities…25
2.1.10 Mavenir ………….25
i. Corporate …………..25
ii. Geographical Spread………..26
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……..26
iv. High-level View of Offerings ……….26
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities…27
2.1.11 NEC …………27
i. Corporate …………..27
Table 2.6: NEC’s Select Financial Information (mJPY), 2019-2021 …. 27
ii. Geographical Spread………..27
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……..27
iv. High-level View of Offerings ……….28
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities…28
2.1.12 Nokia Networks…………28
i. Corporate………….. 28
Table 2.7: Nokia’s Select Financial Information (€m), 2018-2020…..29
ii. Geographical Spread ………. 29
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……. 29
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 30
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities .. 30
2.1.13 Qualcomm………… 31
i. Corporate………….. 31
ii. Geographical Spread ………. 31
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……. 31
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 32
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities .. 32
2.1.14 Samsung Networks …………. 32
i. Corporate………….. 32
Table 2.8: Samsung’s Select Financial Information (KRW m), 2019-2021 ….33
ii. Geographical Spread ………. 33
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……. 33
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 33
Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities .. 34
2.1.15 Siemens ………… 34
i. Corporate………….. 34
ii. Geographical Spread ………. 35
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……. 35
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 35
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities .. 35
2.1.16 Siklu…………… 36
i. Corporate………….. 36
ii. Geographical Spread ………. 36
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……. 36
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 36
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities…37
2.1.17 Telit …………37
i. Corporate …………..37
ii. Geographical Spread………..38
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……..38
iv. High-level View of Offerings ……….38
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities…39
2.1.18 ZTE ………….39
i. Corporate …………..39
Table 2.9: ZTE’s Select Financial Information 2019-2021 (RMB billion) … 40
ii. Geographical Spread………..40
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships……..40
iv. High-level View of Offerings ……….40
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities…41
2.2 Juniper Research Leaderboard Assessment Methodology ……42
2.2.1 Limitations & Interpretations ………..42
Table 2.10: Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard Scoring Criteria for 5G
Vendors …………… 43
3. Data & Forecasting
1. Market Forecast Summary
1.1 Future Market Outlook for 5G Monetisation……..3
Figure 1.1: Total 5G Connections in 2023, Split by 8 Key Regions …….3
1.2 The Addressable Market for 5G………….4
1.2.1 Total Mobile SIM Connections ……..4
Figure & Table 1.2: Global Mobile Active Subscribers (m), Split by 8 Key Regions,
1.2.2 Total 5G Connections………..5
Figure & Table 1.3: Global Mobile 5G Active Connections (m), 2022-2027…..5
2. Market Forecasts & Key Takeaways
2.1 Methodology & Assumptions………….7
2.1.1 Introduction…………..7
2.1.2 Pricing Model Assumptions ……..7
Figure 2.1: 5G Users & Revenue Forecast Methodology……..9
2.1.3 Total 5G Operator-billed Revenue ………..10
Figure & Table 2.2: Total 5G Operator-billed Revenue ($m) Split by 8 Key Regions,
2022-2027…………… 10
2.1.4 5G Connections by Sector ………11
Figure & Table 2.3: Mobile Enterprise 5G Active Connections (m), Split by
Consumer & Commercial, 2022-2027 ……… 11
2.1.5 5G Operator-billed Revenue by Sector……..12
Figure & Table 2.4: Total Global 5G Operator-billed Revenue ($m), Split by
Consumer & Enterprise Sector, 2022-2027 ……… 12
Table 2.5: Total Global 5G Operator-billed ARPC ($), Split by Consumer &
Enterprise, 2022-2027 …………… 12
3. IoT Market Forecasts & Key Takeaways
3.1 5G IoT Sector Analysis ………. 14
3.1.1 Methodology ………….. 14
i. Pricing Model Assumptions …….. 14
Figure 3.1: 5G Sector Analysis Forecast Methodology ……..15
3.2 5G IoT Sector Forecasts………… 16
3.2.1 5G IoT Connections ……….. 16
Figure & Table 3.2: Total Number of Enterprise 5G Connections (m) Split by 6 IoT
Sectors, 2022-2027 ………….16
3.2.2 5G Commercial IoT & Automotive ARPC……… 17
Figure & Table 3.3: 5G Commercial IoT & Automotive ARPC ($), Split by 6 Key
Enterprise Sector, 2022-2027 …………17
3.2.3 5G Commercial IoT & Automotive Revenue Forecast ……. 18
Figure & Table 3.4: Total 5G Commercial IoT & Automotive Operator-billed
Revenue ($m), Split by 6 Key Sectors, 2022-2027……..18
3.2.4 Total Data Attributable to 5G IoT……… 19
Figure & Table 3.5: Total Mobile Data Traffic Carried Over 5G Networks (PB),
Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027 …………19