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플라스틱 규제 : 세계 시장조사 보고서

출판:BCC Research 출판년월:2023년05월

Plastic Regulatory: Global Markets
이 보고서는 플라스틱 제조, 수입, 비축, 유통 및 판매에 대한 규제 요건에 대한 자세한 정보를 제공합니다.

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리포트목차    주문/문의    납기/라이센스안내


Report Highlights

This report provides a detailed understanding of the regulations and requirements for plastics manufacturing, sales, distribution, and stocking. The report presents an assessment of the advantages, drawbacks, and unforeseen effects of banning plastic bags. The report also identifies the countries that have regulations on plastics.
이 보고서는 플라스틱 제조, 판매, 유통 및 비축에 대한 규정 및 요구 사항에 대한 자세한 이해를 제공합니다.
비닐봉지 금지의 장점, 단점 및 예상치 못한 영향에 대한 평가를 제시하며 플라스틱에 대한 규제가 있는 국가를 식별합니다.


The manufacture of plastics has increased steadily worldwide in electronics, insulating buildings, preserving food, and increasing the fuel efficiency of automobiles. Yet, the sheer number of plastics consumed causes a significant production-related carbon footprint, large amounts of waste, ongoing pollution, and harm to the environment and species.

Growing public knowledge of the pervasiveness of plastic pollution has recently influenced public sentiment and prepared the ground for a more aggressive regulatory response. Recently, laws and regulations about plastic have been introduced in several nations, regions, and towns. The main goals are to minimize consumption and enhance waste management through use and disposal. The majority of nations have put restrictions and fees on single-use waste and plastic packaging in place.

Although there are currently no laws or regulations that specifically address the primary production of plastics, businesses that produce the raw materials for plastics (such as oil and gas companies) may be indirectly impacted by laws that increase the recycling of plastic and decrease reliance on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions.

The number of laws and regulations about the use and disposal of plastic has drastically increased, having an effect on businesses along the entire value chain and causing change both upstream and downstream. Recently, laws and regulations about plastic have been introduced in several nations, regions, and towns. The main goals of these are to minimize consumption and enhance waste management through use and disposal.

The most frequent instrument used was regulatory: to ban plastic at some stage in the life cycle. Fundamentally, practically all restrictions were aimed at the marketing or point-of-sale phase of the life cycle of plastic products, then at import and manufacturing.

Report Scope:

Although banning plastic bags is becoming more popular as a policy solution to reduce plastic bag litter, opinions on its justification and efficacy are divided. This study examines the advantages, drawbacks, and unforeseen effects of banning plastic bags. The report identifies countries that have regulations on plastics.

The current report provides detailed exposure to regulatory requirements for plastics manufacture, import, stocking, distribution, and sale. Furthermore, the report also mentions countries where there are limits on thickness of plastic carrier bags.

Report Includes:

– A brief general outlook of the global markets for plastics regulations
– Understanding of plastics regulatory and the status of plastic bag policies in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Africa, South America, Central America, and the Caribbean
– Review of the impact of plastic bag bans and instruments most frequently used to address plastic pollution
– Recommendation of actions that could potentially cut down on single-use plastics debris by half


Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Scope of Report
1.3 Study Goals and Objectives
1.4 Information Sources
1.5 Analyst’s Credentials
1.6 Related BCC Research Reports

Chapter 2 Plastic Regulatory in Europe

2.1 Introduction to Plastic Regulatory in Europe
2.2 EU is Focusing on Limiting Single-Use Plastic Products
2.3 Directive on Single-Use Plastics in the EU
2.4 Plastic Regulatory in Europe
2.5 Status of Single-Use Plastic Bag Policies in Europe

Chapter 3 Plastic Regulatory in North America

3.1 U.S. Initiatives to Combat Plastic Pollution
3.1.1 National
3.2 International
3.3 Conflicts Between State and Local Governments Regarding the Preemption of Plastic Bags
3.4 Plastic Regulatory in North America
3.4.1 United States
3.4.2 Other North American Regions
3.5 Status of Single-Use Plastic Bag Policies in the U.S.

Chapter 4 Plastic Regulatory in Asia-Pacific

4.1 Plastic Regulatory in Asia-Pacific
4.2 Status of Single-Use Plastic Bag Policies in Asia
4.3 Status of Single-Use Plastic Bag Policies in Oceania

Chapter 5 Plastic Regulatory in the African Region

5.1 Plastic Regulatory in the African Region
5.2 Status of Single-Use Plastic Bag Policies in the African Region

Chapter 6 Plastic Regulatory in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean

6.1 Plastic Regulatory in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean
6.2 Status of Plastic Bag Policies in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean

Chapter 7 Impact of Plastic Bag Bans

7.1 Economic Challenges
7.2 Hygienic Problems
7.3 Profiteering by Retailers and Entrepreneurs
7.4 Plastic Bag Black Market
7.5 Civil and Industry Disobedience

Chapter 8 Conclusion

8.1 Key Insights
8.2 Instruments Most Frequently Used to Address Plastic Pollution

Chapter 9 Recommendation

List of Tables

Table 1 : Plastic Regulatory in the European Region
Table 2 : Conflicts Between State and Local Governments Regarding the Preemption of Plastic Bags
Table 3 : Plastic Regulatory in the United States
Table 4 : Plastic Regulatory in the Other North American Regions
Table 5 : Plastic Regulatory in the Asia-Pacific Region
Table 6 : Plastic Regulatory in the African Region
Table 7 : Plastic Regulatory in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean

List of Figures

Figure 1 : Directive on Single-Use Plastics in the EU
Figure 2 : Status of Single-Use Plastic Bag Policies in Europe
Figure 3 : Status of Single-Use Plastic Bag Policies in the U.S.
Figure 4 : Status of Single-Use Plastic Bag Policies in Asia
Figure 5 : Status of Single-Use Plastic Bag Policies in Oceania
Figure 6 : Status of Single-Use Plastic Bag Policies in African Region
Figure 7 : Status of Plastic Bag Policies in the Caribbean
Figure 8 : Status of Plastic Bag Policies in South America
Figure 9 : Before and After Effects of Plastic Regulation in Selected Cities
Figure 10 : Distribution Share of Instruments Most Frequently Used to Address Plastic Pollution


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