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Getting Back to Business with EDGE 2022 : 시장 조사 결과 및 보고서

출판:Mind Commerce(마인드 코머스) 출판년월:2022년03월

Getting Back to Business with EDGE 2022 : Market Survey Results and Report
Edge Computing을 주제로 한 5,012명의 취업자와 2,736명의 IT 리더 및 구매자로부터의 조사 결과를 토대로 정리

페이지수 46 (core report) + 150 (extra report)
도표수 NA
Enterprise License USD 8,995
구성 영문조사보고서

리포트목차    주문/문의    납기/라이센스안내

Sample Request

Mind Commerce「Getting Back to Business with EDGE 2022: Market Survey Results and Report」Edge Computing을 주제로 한 5,012명의 취업자와 2,736명의 IT 리더 및 구매자로부터의 조사 결과를 토대로 정리하고 있습니다。

Mind Commerce의 주요 조사 결과

  • 응답자의 거의 절반이 디지털 트윈에 대해 들은 적이 없다。
  • 2,736명의 기술 의사 결정자가 가장 관심이 있는 것으로서 보안을 꼽았다。
  • 응답자의 78%가 자사의 비즈니스에 있어서 어플리케이션이나 유스 케이스를 위해서 5G가 이용중 혹은 검토되고 있다고 생각하고 있다。
  • 사람과 타인(환자, 고객, 구매자)이 원격으로 연결되는 것은 엣지 컴퓨팅의 주요 사용 사례이다。
  • 응답자의 57% 이상이 소속 조직이 구내 무선의 이용을 검토하고 있는 것으로 조사에서 밝혀졌다。
  • 엣지 컴퓨팅, AI, IoT 콤비네이션은 특히 중소기업, 대기업, 정부에 대한 디지털 트랜스포메이션의 장점을 극적으로 증가시킬 수 있다。
  • 응답자의 거의 35%가 엣지 컴퓨팅에 대해 들은 적이 없다고 응답했고, 20.6%는 들은 적이 있다고 답했다. 그러나 중간 및 대규모 조직은 엣지 컴퓨팅에 대해 잘 알고 있다고 응답했다。

본 리포트의 구매자에게는 다음 중 원하는 타이틀의 리포트가 제공됩니다. 제공되는 보고서 파일은 기업 라이선스로 활용할 수 있습니다。

  • Cloud Computing in Industrial IoT: Market for Cloud support of IIoT by Software, Platforms, Infrastructure (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS) including Centralized Cloud Edge Computing for Devices and Things 2022 – 2027
  • Mobile Edge Computing Market by Infrastructure, Deployment Model, Computing as a Service, Network Connectivity, Applications, Analytics Types, Market Segments and Industry Verticals 2022 – 2027
  • LTE and 5G Applications and Services Market by Service Provider Type (MNO, OTT, End-user), Connection Type, Deployment Type (Public and Private Virtualized, Dedicated, and Hybrid), Use Cases, 5G Service Category (eMBB, mMTC, URLLC), Computing as a Service (Public, Private, Hybrid), Industry Verticals, Region and Country 2022 – 2027
  • Sixth Generation Wireless by 6G Technology Development (Investment, R&D and Testing) and 6G Market Commercialization (Infrastructure, Deployment, Applications and Services), Use Cases and Industry Verticals 2022 – 2030


This represents a market study, trends report, and survey that includes feedback, executive insights, market direction and market intelligence.

The study included a survey with 5,012 business workers and 2,736 IT leaders and buyers. Respondent base included a cross section across size of business and industry, job function/title, department, and zip code. In addition, the respondent base could be part of a one location business or one with multiple locations.

The edge computing survey and report was a collaborative effort between industry-leading analyst firms. The primary sponsor of this research was Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Key topics include edge computing use cases and applications, priorities and investment areas, pandemic impact, and plans this year.

Select Research Findings:

  • Nearly 50% of overall respondents have never heard of digital twins
  • Security is the top concern for 2,736 technology decision makers surveyed
  • 78% of respondents see 5G being used or considered for varying applications/use cases in their business
  • Connecting people remotely to others (patients, customers, buyers) is a key use case for edge computing
  • Over 57% overall of those surveyed indicating that their organizations are exploring and considering using private wireless for their business
  • The combination of edge computing, AI and IoT has the potential to dramatically accelerate the benefits of digital transformation, particularly with mid-sized business, corporations and government
  • Nearly 35% of all overall respondents claimed to have never heard of edge computing with 20.6% feeling only slightly aware of it. However, midsize and enterprise organizations claimed to have a greater familiarity with edge computing.

Traditional Centralized Cloud vs. Edge Computing

While cloud computing in its initial form represents centralized computational resources, edge computing architecture allows for higher performance distributed edge applications by allowing endpoint devices to offload workloads and to edge compute resources located in proximity. This is important for specific use cases and applications, which we explore in a later section.

At its core, cloud computing remains true to its roots: “Cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of IT resources over the Internet with pay-as-you-go pricing. Instead of buying, owning, and maintaining physical data centers and servers, one can access technology services, such as computing power, storage, and databases, on an as-needed basis” (Amazon). However, there is a need for enterprise and industrial verticals to enjoy cloud-based ‘as a service’ business models in a manner in which computing is not by necessity centralized.

The emergence of bandwidth intensive, latency sensitive applications has given rise to the need for even greater flexibility and performance. Enterprise apps, such as autonomous vehicles and UAVs, and industrial solutions, such as factory optimization and cloud robotics, have high throughput requirements.

Edge computing brings about massive business transformation opportunities across three primary business segments:

  1. General Enterprise (Non-Industrial): This group of industries includes all industries except for the industrial and public sector (i.e. Healthcare, Retail, Hospitality, Communications, Professional Services, General Services, Finance, Real Estate, and others).
  2. Industrial: This group of vertical markets includes oil/gas/energy, utilities, manufacturing, process plants, heavy machinery, mining, chemicals, construction, and hazardous materials.
  3. Public Sector: This group includes federal (defense and civilian) government, state government, local government including public safety (law enforcement, emergency management, and fire safety), K-12 education and higher education.

Automation will be the leading driver due to key trends and business indicators including the skills gap of the overall workforce (and availability), the need to scale, and the continued push to advance business operations and enhance customer experiences.

Report Benefits:

Survey findings and report will help the reader understand the edge computing market and identify end-users and tech decision-makers opinions and perspectives with respect to key topics with a focus on edge computing, edge analytics, fixed/private wireless, use cases, business apps, and other leading topics that impact growth, adoption, scaling and budgets.

Survey and report benefits include:

  • Support strategic planning, sales & marketing
  • Gain latest trends and insights
  • Hear feedback from the business workforce
  • Gather insights from buyers and decision-makers
  • Explore use cases and business value drivers
  • Learn about related and emerging technologies
  • Understand awareness and buying habits/trends
  • Explore recommendations & business plans
  • Leverage insights for business development and partnerships

Additional Benefits

Buyers will also receive a company-wide License of additional research of the purchaser’s choosing, which may include any one of the following related reports:

  • Cloud Computing in Industrial IoT: Market for Cloud support of IIoT by Software, Platforms, Infrastructure (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS) including Centralized Cloud Edge Computing for Devices and Things 2022 – 2027
  • Mobile Edge Computing Market by Infrastructure, Deployment Model, Computing as a Service, Network Connectivity, Applications, Analytics Types, Market Segments and Industry Verticals 2022 – 2027
  • LTE and 5G Applications and Services Market by Service Provider Type (MNO, OTT, End-user), Connection Type, Deployment Type (Public and Private Virtualized, Dedicated, and Hybrid), Use Cases, 5G Service Category (eMBB, mMTC, URLLC), Computing as a Service (Public, Private, Hybrid), Industry Verticals, Region and Country 2022 – 2027
  • Sixth Generation Wireless by 6G Technology Development (Investment, R&D and Testing) and 6G Market Commercialization (Infrastructure, Deployment, Applications and Services), Use Cases and Industry Verticals 2022 – 2030



Table of Contents (core report)

1. What is Edge?
2. Top Ten Survey Findings
3. Survey Methodology
4. The Evolving Edge
5. The Enablers of the Edge
6. The Edge Survey Results
7. The Dust Settling & Edge Impact
8. Creating Value with Edge
9. The Year Ahead in Edge
10. Buying Edge & IoT
11. Diving Deep: Strategic Insights
12. Survey Segmentation
13. Additional Reading


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