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비접촉형 결제(Contactless Payments) 2022-2027년

출판:Juniper Research(주니퍼 리서치) 출판년도:2022년08월

Contactless Payments: Key Opportunities, Emerging Trends & Market Forecasts 2022-2027
비접촉형 결제(Contactless Payments)의 중요 기회, 최신 동향, 시장 예측 2022-2027년

가격 GBP3,750
구성 영문조사보고서


리포트목차    주문/문의  납기/라이센스안내

Juniper Research「비접촉형 결제의 중요 기회, 최신 동향, 시장 예측 2022-2027년 – Contactless Payments: Key Opportunities, Emerging Trends & Market Forecasts 2022-2027」는 세계의 비접촉형 결제 시장을 조사하고 모바일 및 웨어러블 기기를 이용한 결제 솔루션에 의한 비접촉형 결제 시장의 변화에 ​​대한 평가를 실시하여 상세한 분석·예측 결과를 제공하고 있습니다。

예측 포인트

  • 2022년 비접촉형 결제 거래액: 4조 6,000억 달러
  • 2027년 비접촉형 결제 거래액: 10조 달러

비접촉형 결제(Contactless Payments)의 중요 기회, 최신 동향, 시장 예측 2022-2027년

주요 게시물

  • 시장 역학
  • 지역별 분석: 전세계 8개 지역의 비접촉식 결제의 최신 개발 상황과 향후 전망
  • 중요 조사 결과 및 제안
  • 산업 예측 : 세계 8개 지역 60개국의 비접촉형 결제의 총 거래액과 거래수 예측을 포함한 시장 데이터
    1. 북미
      1. 캐나다
      2. 미국
    2. 라틴 아메리카
      1. 아르헨티나
      2. 브라질
      3. 칠레
      4. 콜롬비아
      5. 에콰도르
      6. 멕시코
      7. 페루
      8. 우루과이
    3. 서유럽
      1. 오스트리아
      2. 벨기에
      3. 덴마크
      4. 핀란드
      5. 프랑스
      6. 독일
      7. 그리스
      8. 아일랜드
      9. 이탈리아
      10. 네덜란드
      11. 노르웨이
      12. 포르투갈
      13. 스페인
      14. 스웨덴
      15. 스위스
      16. 영국
    4. 중동유럽
      1. 크로아티아
      2. 체코 공화국
      3. 헝가리
      4. 폴란드
      5. 루마니아
      6. 러시아
      7. 터키
      8. 우크라이나
    5. 극동 및 중국
      1. 중국
      2. 홍콩
      3. 일본
      4. 한국
    6. 인도아대륙
      1. 방글라데시
      2. 인도
      3. 네팔
      4. 파키스탄
    7. 기타 아시아 태평양 지역
      1. 호주
      2. 인도네시아
      3. 말레이시아
      4. 뉴질랜드
      5. 필리핀
      6. 싱가포르
      7. 태국
      8. 베트남
    8. 아프리카 & 중동
      1. 알제리
      2. 이집트
      3. 이스라엘
      4. 케냐
      5. 쿠웨이트
      6. 나이지리아
      7. 카타르
      8. 사우디 아라비아
      9. 남아프리카
      10. UEA
  • Juniper Research의 경쟁 스코어보드: 15개 기업의 특성 및 능력 평가
    1. CPI Card Group
    2. DIGISEQ
    3. FIDESMO
    4. Giesecke+Devrient
    5. Goldpac
    6. HID Global
    7. IDEMIA
    8. KONA I
    9. MATICA
    10. Netcetera
    11. Payair
    12. Pri-Num
    13. Thales
    14. Toppan Gravity
    15. Zwipe

목차 번역(발췌)

  1. 시장 동향 및 전략
    1. 중요 조사 결과 및 전략적 제안
    2. 비접촉형 결제: 시장 상황
      1. 개요
      2. 비접촉 시장 인프라
      3. 비접촉 시장 성장 촉진 요인
      4. 비접촉식 카드
      5. 생체 인증 카드
      6. 카드 체계 및 비접촉식 결제
    3. 모바일 및 웨어러블 결제
      1. 모바일 결제
      2. NFC와 QR 코드 결제 비교
      3. 웨어러블 결제
      4. 발권
    4. 지역별 분석
  2. 경쟁 점수판
    1. 경쟁 환경 및 스코어보드
  3. 데이터 및 예측
    1. 방법과 가정
    2. 예측 포인트
    3. 비접촉형 결제
    4. 모바일 비접촉식 결제
    5. 웨어러블 비접촉식 결제
    6. NFC 발권
    7. 비접촉형 토큰화

이 보고서는 다음 질문에 대한 답변으로 이어지는 정보를 제공합니다.

  1. 비접촉형 결제의 수용 기반 상황은?
  2. 비접촉형 결제의 주요 성장 촉진 요인은?
  3. 비접촉형 결제 시장에서 주요 벤더는?
  4. 향후 5년간 가장 비접촉형 결제 도입이 진행되는 시장은?
  5. 모바일 결제 및 웨어러블 결제는 비접촉식 결제 카드와 비교할 때 향후 5년 동안 어떻게 될 것인가?

Report Overview

Juniper Research’s latest Contactless Payments research provides a detailed analysis of this evolving market. This includes an assessment of how mobile and wearable payments solutions are changing the contactless payments landscape. Additionally, the research includes an extensive evaluation of 15 contactless payments vendors via the Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard.
Juniper Research의 최신 비접촉 결제 연구는 이 진화하는 시장에 대한 자세한 분석을 제공합니다. 여기에는 모바일 및 웨어러블 결제 솔루션이 비접촉 결제 환경을 어떻게 변화시키고 있는지에 대한 평가가 포함됩니다. 또한 이 연구에는 Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard를 통한 15개 비접촉식 결제 공급업체에 대한 광범위한 평가가 포함됩니다.

The report covers current market opportunities, key recommendations and future prospects. It also includes a comprehensive dataset for key contactless payments metrics, featuring total transaction volume and total transaction value for different forms of contactless payment methods, such as contactless cards, mobile payments, and wearables.

This research suite comprises:

  • Market Trends & Strategies (PDF)
  • Competitor Leaderboard (PDF)
  • Data & Forecasts (PDF & Excel)
  • 12 Months’ Access to harvest Online Data Platform
Key Market Statistics
Market size in 2021: $641.0bn
Market size in 2026: $2.7tn
2021 to 2026 CAGR: 33.10%


  • Market Dynamics: Insights into key trends and challenges within the contactless payments market; addressing challenges posed by mobile payments, changes in usage trends, and technological developments in the payments market.
  • Regional Analysis: A regional-level analysis of 17 countries, spanning 8 key regions; covering the current deployment level and future outlook of contactless payments in each market.
  • Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations: Analysis of key development opportunities within contactless payments, accompanied by key strategic recommendations for stakeholders including contactless card issuers and mobile payment solution providers.
  • Benchmark Industry Forecasts: Includes forecasts for total transaction value and volume for the various forms of contactless payments. This data is split by our 8 key forecast regions and 60 countries:
    • North America:
      • Canada, US
    • Latin America:
      • Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay.
    • West Europe:
      • Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK.
    • Central & East Europe:
      • Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine.
    • Far East & China:
      • China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea.
    • Indian Subcontinent:
      • Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan.
    • Rest of Asia Pacific:
      • Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.
    • Africa & Middle East:
      • Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Kenya, Kuwait, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates.
  • Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Key player capability and capacity assessment for 15 contactless payment vendors, via the Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard:
    • CPI Card Group
    • Giesecke+Devrient
    • Goldpac
    • HID Global
    • IDEMIA
    • KONA I
    • MATICA
    • Netcetera
    • Payair
    • Pri-Num
    • Thales
    • Toppan Gravity
    • Zwipe
  1. What is the state of the contactless payment acceptance infrastructure?
  2. What are the key drivers of contactless payments?
  3. Who are the leading vendors in the contactless payments market?
  4. Which markets will have the greatest adoption of contactless payments over the next five years?
  5. How will mobile payments and wearables compare against contactless cards over the next five years?


Included in Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: CPI Card Group, DIGISEQ, Fidesmo, G+D, Goldpac, HID Global, IDEMIA, Kona I, Matica, Netcetera, Payair, Pri-Num, Thales, Toppan Gravity, Zwipe.

Mentioned: ABN Amro, American Express, Apple, Arjo Systems, ASSA ABLOY Group , Bai Tushum Bank, Bank of China, Bank of Cyprus, Barclays, BCP (Banco de Crédito del Perú), BPS-Sberbank, China Construction Bank, China Merchants Bank , China Mobile, China UnionPay, Citi, Clearhaus, Clemson University, Covalent, Credorax, De La Rue’s Citizen Identity Business, Deutsche Kreditbank AG, Device Authority, Diners, Dresscode Shirts, dz card, EnterCard, Face Technologies, Fingerprint Cards, First Mile, Fitbit, Garmin, Halbank, HSBC, HydrantID, HypoVereinsbank , ICBC, IdenTrust, IDEXa Biometrics, Inecobank, InvoTech Systems, JCB, K Wearables, KL HI-TECH, Laks, LHV Pank, Mastercard, MeaWallet, Mondaine, Mountain America Credit Union, NBS Technologies , Netcetera, Nexperts, Nextwave, Nova Bank, NXP Semiconductors, Olympic, Oxygen, Payair, PBOC, Ping an Bank, Placard, PNB (Philippine National Bank), Raiffeisen Bank, Resurs Bank, Samsung, SHVA, Sodexo, Soft Space, Standard Chartered Bank, Swatch, TBC Bank, UBank, UbiQ Software, Unibank, Visa, Wallster, WLA (White Label Alliance).


Data Splits for:

  • Contactless Cards
  • NFC Mobile Payments
  • Wearable Payments
  • Contactless Ticketing
  • Contactless Tokenisation

Metrics include user base, average transaction volumes per user, total transaction volumes, average transaction values and total transaction values.
Geographical splits: 60 countries
Number of tables: Over 128 tables
Number of datapoints: Over 58,000 datapoints

Harvest: Our online data platform, harvest, contains the very latest market data and is updated throughout the year. This is a fully featured platform enabling clients to better understand key data trends and manipulate charts and tables; overlaying different forecasts within the one chart – using the comparison tool. Empower your business with our market intelligence centre, and receive alerts whenever your data is updated.

Interactive Excels (IFxl): Our IFxl tool enables clients to manipulate both forecast data and charts, within an Excel environment, to test their own assumptions using the interactive scenario tool and compare selected markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase a client’s ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.


The value of contactless payment transactions will reach $10 trillion globally by 2027; from $4.6 trillion in 2022. The investment in the underlying contactless payments ecosystem, such as contactless-enabled POS terminals and device-level support will be the key driver of contactless transaction value growth over the next five years.

  • The push towards cashless societies will drive growth as countries look to decrease their reliance upon cash. Mobile and wearable contactless payments are anticipated to grow by 221% between 2022 and 2027. This growth owes to the convenience that mobile and wearable payments offer consumers, eliminating the need to carry and produce a contactless card, easing the burden of transitioning away from cash. In comparison, contactless card payments are anticipated to grow by only 119% during the same period.
  • The high growth of POS (point-of-sale) terminals that are capable of accepting contactless payments are also fuelling this growth. Accordingly, POS vendors must prioritise convenience when designing NFC solutions for the market that can cater to the growing number of devices that offer NFC payment capabilities.
  • Global contactless ticketing spend is set to grow by over 440% between 2022 and 2027. NFC ticketing has recovered strongly following the easing of pandemic-related restrictions and is forecast to continue rising rapidly over the next five years.
  • This growth will be further accelerated by the rapid deployment of NFC ticketing solutions across public transport networks with the aim of reducing payment friction for customers. In turn, vendors must foster adoption of their NFC ticketing solutions, targeting the public transport sector in developed regions that are increasingly seeking out ways to improve ticketing efficiencies.

보고서 구성 및 가격표

전체 세트(1과 2 모두 구입) GBP3,750
(1) 동향 및 전략 조사
  • 시장 동향 및 전략 보고서(PDF)
    Market trends &strategies report
GBP 1,990
  • 경쟁 점수판 보고서(PDF)
    Competitor leaderboard report
GBP 1,990
(2) 시장 규모 및 예측 GBP 2,990
  • 시장 데이터, 예측, 분석 보고서(PDF)
    Market data, forecasts and analysis report (pdf)
  • 시장 데이터, 예측, 인터랙티브 데이터(Excel)
    Market data, forecasts and interactivity (xls)
  • 분기 업데이트: 시장 데이터 및 예측(PDF&Excel&온라인 액세스)
    Quarterly updates to market data & forecasts (pdf, xls, online access)
  • 최신 데이터에 대한 12개월 액세스
    harvest market data platform (12 months’ online access)

[보도 자료]
세계 비접촉형 결제 거래 금액은 2027년까지 10조 달러를 넘는다. 모바일 결제 도입 증가 촉진 요인

Hampshire, UK – 12th September 2022: A new study from Juniper Research has found that the value of contactless payment transactions will reach $10 trillion globally by 2027; from $4.6 trillion in 2022. It anticipates that investment in the underlying contactless payments ecosystem, such as contactless‑enabled POS (Point-of-Sale) terminals and device-level support, will be the key driver of contactless transactions value growth over the next 5 years.

세계 비접촉형 결제 거래 금액은 2027년까지 10조 달러를 넘는다. 모바일 결제 도입 증가 촉진 요인

Source: Juniper Research

Transition to Cashless Society Driving Growth

The research predicts that the push towards cashless societies will drive growth, as countries look to decrease their reliance upon cash. Mobile and wearable contactless payments are anticipated to grow by 221% between 2022 and 2027. This growth owes to the convenience that mobile and wearable payments offer consumers, eliminating the need to carry and produce a contactless card; easing the burden of transitioning away from cash. In comparison, contactless card payments are anticipated to grow by only 119% during the same period.

Furthermore, the report identified that the high growth of POS terminals capable of accepting contactless payments is also fuelling this growth. Accordingly, the research urges POS vendors to prioritise convenience when designing NFC solutions for the market, which can cater to the growing number of devices that offer NFC payment capabilities.

Contactless Ticketing Set for Strong Growth

The research anticipates that contactless ticketing spend is set to grow by over 440% between 2022 and 2027. NFC ticketing has recovered strongly following the easing of pandemic-related restrictions, and is forecast to continue rising rapidly over the next 5 years.

This growth will be further accelerated by the rapid deployment of NFC ticketing solutions across public transport networks, with the aim of reducing payment friction for customers. In turn, the report urges vendors to foster adoption of their NFC ticketing solutions; targeting the public transport sector in developed regions that are increasingly seeking out ways to improve ticketing efficiencies.


※풀 세트(GBP3, 750)의 목차 발췌입니다. 상세 목차 및 기타 보고서는 문의주시면 이메일로 보내드립니다.

1. Market Trends & Strategies

1. Key Takeways & Strategic Recommendations

2. Contactless Payments: Market Status

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Contactless Market Infrastructure
2.3 Drivers of the Contactless Market
2.4 Contacless Cards
2.5 Biometric Cards
2.6 Card Schemes and Contactless Payments

3. Mobile & Wearable Payments

3.1 Mobile Payments
3.2 NFC vs QR Code Payments
3.3 Wearable Payments
3.4 Ticketing

4. Regional Analysis

2. Competitor Leaderboard

1. Competitive Landscape & Leaderboard

3. Data & Forecasting

1. Methodology and Assumptions
2. Forecast Summary
3. Contactless Card Payments
4. Mobile Contactless Payments
5. Wearable Contactless Payments
6. NFC Ticketing
7. Contactless Tokenisation


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    • *항목은 필수항목입니다.







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