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남아프리카의 플리트 매니지먼트 시장조사보고서 제5판

출판:Berg Insight 출판년월:2022년04월

Fleet Management in South Africa – 5th Edition
남아프리카의 차량 관리(차량 관리/FM) 시장을 조사하여 최신 동향을 분석

폐이지수 120
 Single user license Eur 1,500
 2-10 User license Eur 2,250
 Corporate license Eur 3,000
구성 영문조사보고서

리포트목차    주문/문의    납기/라이센스안내

Berg Insight「남아프리카의 플리트 매니지먼트 시장조사보고서 제5판 – Fleet Management in South Africa – 5th Edition」는 남아프리카의 차량 관리(차량 관리/FM) 시장을 조사하여 최신 동향을 분석하고 있습니다。

주요 게시물

  1. 플릿 관리 솔루션
    1. 플릿 관리 구조
      1. 차량
      2. GNSS
      3. 네트워크
      4. 백사무실
    2. 차량 관리
    3. 운전자 관리
    4. 운행 관리
    5. 규제 준수 및 보고
    6. 비즈니스 모델
  2. 시장 예측과 동향
    1. 시장 분석
      1. 남아프리카 차량 시장
      2. 플릿 관리 시장 예측
      3. 플릿 관리 벤더 시장 점유율
      4. 남아프리카 지역 특성
    2. 시장 촉진 요인 및 저해 요인
    3. 가치 사슬 분석
      1. 텔레매틱스 산업 플레이어
      2. 자동차 산업 플레이어
      3. 통신 업계 플레이어
      4. IT 업계 플레이어
    4. 향후 업계 동향
    5. 아프리카 함대 경영 시장 전망
  3. 기업 정보
    1. 국제 애프터마켓 솔루션 제공업체
    2. 특정 지역 내 애프터마켓 솔루션 제공업체

Fleet Management in South Africa is the fifth consecutive report from Berg Insight analysing the latest developments on the South African fleet management market. The report also includes an outlook on the rest of the African market beyond South Africa. This strategic research report from Berg Insight provides you with 120 pages of unique business intelligence including 5-year industry forecasts and expert commentary on which to base your business decisions.

How will the market for fleet management systems for commercial vehicles in South Africa evolve in 2022 and beyond? Berg Insight forecasts that the number of fleet management systems in active use in South Africa will grow at a CAGR of 12.6 percent from 2.0 million units at the end of 2021 to 3.6 million by 2026. The 120-page report covers also a comprehensive market outlook for the Rest of Africa. Get up to date with the latest information about vendors, products and markets.

Highlights from the report:

  • Insights from numerous interviews with market-leading companies.
  • Data on vehicle populations and commercial fleets in South Africa and other African countries.
  • Comprehensive overview of the fleet management value chain and key applications.
  • In-depth analysis of market trends and key developments.
  • Updated profiles of 27 aftermarket fleet management solution providers.
  • Summary of OEM propositions from commercial vehicle brands.
  • Market forecasts lasting until 2026.
  • Outlook on the African fleet management market beyond South Africa.

Executive Summary

The installed base of FM systems in South Africa will reach 3.6 million units by 2026

Berg Insight expects a strong growth period for fleet management in South Africa in the years to come. The number of FM systems in active use is forecasted to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.6 percent from about 2.0 million units at the end of 2021 to reach 3.6 million units by 2026. The penetration rate in the total population of fleet vehicles used by businesses is at the same time estimated to increase from 41.5 percent in 2021 to 68.0 percent in 2026. South Africa is a relatively mature telematics market and the penetration rate is comparably high from an international perspective. Far from all deployments are however full-scale advanced FM solutions. A notable share of the installed fleet telematics systems on the South African market is represented by comparably low-end tracking systems, e.g. light FM solutions, including SVR systems extended with basic FM features.

The South African fleet management market is clearly dominated by five domestic players with broad telematics portfolios that together represent 70 percent of the total number of fleet management systems in use in the country. Berg Insight ranks Cartrack and MiX Telematics as the largest providers of fleet management solutions in South Africa. Cartrack alone has more than half a million active FM units in the country. The remaining top-5 players are Tracker, Netstar and Ctrack. Other top-10 players on the South African fleet management market include local providers such as Bidtrack (Bidvest Group), Digicell and GPS Tracking Solutions (Eqstra Fleet Management), as well as international players including Webfleet Solutions (Bridgestone) and Gurtam. Autotrak, Digital Matter, PFK Electronics, Key Telematics/Radius Payment Solutions and Pointer SA (PowerFleet) are additional top-15 providers, all having estimated installed bases of at least 15,000 fleet management units in the country. Players just outside of the top list include Mtrack (Electronic Tracking Systems), Geotab and Globaltrack. International commercial vehicle OEMs including Scania, Daimler, Volvo Trucks, UD Trucks, MAN and Toyota have further all introduced fleet telematics solutions in South Africa.


Executive summary

1 Fleet management solutions

1.1 Fleet management infrastructure
1.1.1 Vehicle segment
1.1.2 GNSS segment
1.1.3 Network segment
1.1.4 Backoffice segment
1.2 Vehicle management
1.2.1 Vehicle diagnostics and maintenance planning
1.2.2 Security tracking
1.2.3 Tire pressure monitoring systems
1.3 Driver management
1.3.1 Driving data registration and analysis
1.3.2 Video-based driver monitoring
1.3.3 Eco-driving schemes
1.3.4 Insurance risk management
1.4 Operations management
1.4.1 Routing and navigation
1.4.2 Transport management
1.4.3 Mobile workforce management
1.5 Regulatory compliance and reporting
1.5.1 Driver working hours, logbooks and tachographs
1.5.2 Electronic toll collection ? e-toll and e-tags
1.5.3 SARS travel logbooks
1.5.4 Traffic fine management and demerit points ? AARTO
1.5.5 Road Transport Management System (RTMS)
1.5.6 Distracted driving
1.5.7 Special transports
1.6 Business models

2 Market forecasts and trends

2.1 Market analysis
2.1.1 The South African vehicle market
2.1.2 Fleet management market forecast
2.1.3 Fleet management vendor market shares
2.1.4 Local market characteristics in South Africa
2.2 Market drivers and barriers
2.2.1 Macroeconomic environment
2.2.2 Regulatory environment
2.2.3 Competitive environment
2.2.4 Technology environment
2.3 Value chain analysis
2.3.1 Telematics industry players
2.3.2 Automotive industry players
2.3.3 Telecom industry players
2.3.4 IT industry players
2.4 Future industry trends
2.5 African fleet management market outlook
2.5.1 Leading South African telematics players active in the Rest of Africa
2.5.2 Other African fleet management providers and distributors
2.5.3 International players active on the African fleet management market
2.5.4 OEM fleet telematics offerings in Africa
2.5.5 The African vehicle market
2.5.6 Analysis of the fleet management market in the Rest of Africa
2.5.7 The size of the African fleet management market

3 Company profiles

3.1 International aftermarket solution providers
3.1.1 Cartrack (Karooooo)
3.1.2 Geotab
3.1.3 Gurtam
3.1.4 MiX Telematics
3.1.5 PowerFleet
3.1.6 Webfleet Solutions (Bridgestone)
3.2 Local aftermarket solution providers
3.2.1 ACM Track
3.2.2 Afritelematics
3.2.3 Autotrak
3.2.4 Bidtrack (Bidvest Group)
3.2.5 Ctrack
3.2.6 Digicell
3.2.7 Digital Matter
3.2.8 FleetCam
3.2.9 Fleetkor
3.2.10 Globaltrack
3.2.11 Gosafe Tracking Solutions SA
3.2.12 GPS Tracking Solutions (Eqstra Fleet Management)
3.2.13 iCAM Video Telematics
3.2.14 Key Telematics and Radius Payment Solutions
3.2.15 Mtrack (Electronic Tracking Systems)
3.2.16 Netstar
3.2.17 PFK Electronics
3.2.18 Pointer SA (PowerFleet)
3.2.19 Real Telematics
3.2.20 SmartSurv Wireless
3.2.21 Tracker Connect


List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Fleet management infrastructure overview ………..3
Figure 1.2: Examples of FM device form factors …………4
Figure 1.3: Data interfaces used by FM devices …………6
Figure 1.4: Examples of peripherals connected to FM devices ……….6
Figure 1.5: Mobile operators and subscribers in South Africa (Q4-2021)…….8
Figure 1.6: Example of FM backoffice segment ………….. 10
Figure 1.7: Components of a tire pressure monitoring system……… 13
Figure 1.8: South African e-tag for electronic toll collection……….. 20
Figure 1.9: SARS Travel Logbook …………….. 21
Figure 2.1: Commercial vehicles in use and new registrations (South Africa 2021)….29
Figure 2.2: Commercial vehicle manufacturers by market share (South Africa 2021)….30
Figure 2.3: Fleet management market forecast (South Africa 2021-2026)…… 31
Figure 2.4: Top-15 fleet management providers by installed base (South Africa Q4-2021)….32
Figure 2.5: Financial data for telematics industry players (2021)……… 40
Figure 2.6: Mergers and acquisitions in the telematics space (South Africa 2014-2021) ….42
Figure 2.7: MyToyota Fleet Lite ……………… 45
Figure 2.8: The presence of the top-5 South African FM players on the African continent ..53
Figure 2.9: Vehicles in use by country (A?S) and vehicle type (Africa 2015)…… 60
Figure 2.10: Vehicles in use by country (S?Z) and vehicle type (Africa 2015)…. 61
Figure 3.1: Cartrack mobile app for iOS………….. 67
Figure 3.2: Overview of Cartrack’s subscriber base by region (November 2021) …. 68
Figure 3.3: The Geotab GO9+ tracking device………… 70
Figure 3.4: MyGeotab fleet management software ………… 71
Figure 3.5: The Wialon Hosting web interface………….. 74
Figure 3.6: MiX Telematics’ RIBAS device………….. 78
Figure 3.7: WEBFLEET, LINK 510 and PRO 8475 TRUCK………. 86
Figure 3.8: Overview of Bidtrack’s offering including core fleet unit & additional hardware….93
Figure 3.9: Bidtrack’s customisable FleetView interface with various dashboards……94
Figure 3.10: Ctrack Iris features……………… 96
Figure 3.11: Digit FMS backoffice interface…………… 98
Figure 3.12: Digital Matter’s Telematics Guru GPS tracking software …….. 100
Figure 3.13: Digital Matter device locations (Q4-2021) ………. 101


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