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유럽과 북미의 스마트 수도 미터 제2판

출판:Berg Insight 출판년월:2022년02월

Smart Water Metering in Europe and North America – 2nd Edition
유럽과 북미의 스마트수도계 시장을 조사하여 고도계 인프라(AMI)와 자동검침(AMR) 기술의 최신 동향을 설명합니다.

폐이지수 160
 Single user license Eur 1,800
 2-10 User license Eur 2,700
 Corporate license Eur 3,600
구성 영문조사보고서

리포트목차    주문/문의    납기/라이센스안내

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Berg Insight「유럽과 북미의 스마트 수도 미터 제2판 – Smart Water Metering in Europe and North America – 2nd Edition」는 유럽과 북미의 스마트 수도 미터 시장을 조사하고 고도 미터 인프라 (AMI) 및 자동 검침 (AMR) 기술의 최신 동향을 설명합니다. 또 2027년까지의 시장 예측도 실시하고 있습니다。



주요 게시물

  1. 유럽과 북미의 수도 서비스
  2. 스마트 수도 미터
  3. IoT 네트워크 및 통신 기술
    1. IoT 네트워크 기술
    2. 3GPP 셀룰러 기술
    3. LoRa 및 LoRaWAN
    4. Sigfox
    5. RF 기술 및 표준
  4. 스마트 미터 산업 플레이어
    1. 미터 공급업체
    2. 통신 솔루션 제공업체
    3. 소프트웨어 솔루션 제공업체
  5. 수도 AMR/AMI 시장 개요
  6. 시장 분석
      1. 시장 예측
      2. 산업 분석
      3. 시장 동향

Are you looking for detailed information and comprehensive data about the smart water metering market in Europe and North America? This report covers the latest developments in the markets for advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and automated meter reading (AMR) technologies. The installed base of water utility AMI endpoints in Europe and North America amounted to 49.6 million units in 2021 and is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 13.3 percent to reach 104.9 million units in 2027. The total number of communicating utility water meters – including both AMI and AMR – will at the same time grow from 145.7 million units in 2021 to 197.3 million units in 2027. Get up to date with the latest information about vendors, water utilities, products and markets.

Highlights from the report:

  • Insights from 30 new executive interviews with market leading companies.
  • 360-degree overview of next generation RF and cellular standards for water AMI communications.
  • Comprehensive overview of the water utility markets in Europe and North America.
  • Profiles of the key players in the water AMI and AMR industry in Europe and North America.
  • In-depth analysis of the development of AMI deployments in Europe and North America.
  • Detailed market forecasts by region and technology lasting until 2027.


Table of Contents

Executive summary

1 Water services in Europe and North America

1.1 The water services sector in Europe and North America
1.1.1 The organisation of water service management
1.1.2 Residential water rates and consumption
1.1.3 Water distribution system operators

2 Smart water metering

2.1 Introduction to water metering
2.2 Remote meter reading systems
2.2.1 Smart water metering applications & benefits
2.2.2 Smart water metering infrastructure
2.3 Project strategies
2.3.1 System design and sourcing
2.3.2 Rollout and integration
2.3.3 Implementation and operation
2.3.4 Communicating with customers
2.3.5 Individual rights issues

3 IoT networks and communications technologies

3.1 IoT network technologies
3.1.1 Network architectures
3.1.2 Unlicensed and licensed frequency bands
3.2 3GPP cellular technologies
3.2.1 2G/3G/4G/5G cellular technologies and IoT
3.2.2 The role of cellular networks in smart meter communications
3.2.3 NB-IoT and LTE-M network deployments in Europe & North America
3.3 LoRa & LoRaWAN
3.3.1 Technology characteristics and network footprint
3.4 Sigfox
3.5 RF technology and standards
3.5.1 EN 13757
3.5.2 Proprietary RF networking platforms

4 Smart metering industry players

4.1 Meter vendors

4.1.1 Apator
4.1.2 Arad Group
4.1.3 Axioma Metering
4.1.4 B METERS
4.1.5 Badger Meter
4.1.6 Diehl Metering
4.1.7 E. Wehrle Group
4.1.8 Engelmann Sensor
4.1.9 Fila
4.1.10 GWF MessSysteme
4.1.11 Honeywell
4.1.12 INTEGRA Metering
4.1.13 Itron
4.1.14 Janz (SIT Group)
4.1.15 Kamstrup
4.1.16 Lorenz
4.1.17 Maddalena
4.1.18 Metron-Farnier
4.1.19 Minol-ZENNER Group
4.1.20 Mueller Systems
4.1.21 Neptune Technology Group (Roper Technologies)
4.1.22 QUNDIS
4.1.23 Sagemcom
4.1.24 Sensus (Xylem)

4.2 Communications solution providers

4.2.1 Aclara (Hubbell)
4.2.2 Abering
4.2.3 AIUT
4.2.5 Birdz (Veolia)
4.2.6 ISTA
4.2.7 Landis+Gyr
4.2.8 Smart Earth Technologies
4.2.9 Sontex
4.2.10 SUEZ Smart Solutions
4.2.11 Techem
4.2.12 Technolog (Roper Technologies)
4.2.13 Telereading
4.2.14 Vodafone

4.3 Software solution providers

4.3.1 Atlantica Digital
4.3.2 Dropcountr
4.3.3 Ferranti
4.3.4 Harris Utilities
4.3.5 Idrica (Global Omnium)
4.3.6 Indra
4.3.7 Oracle
4.3.8 TaKaDu
4.3.9 Terranova Software
4.3.10 VertexOne

5 Water AMR/AMI market profiles

5.1 Europe
5.1.1 Water AMI projects in Europe by technology
5.2 North America
5.2.1 Water AMI projects in North America by technology

6 Market analysis

6.1 Market forecasts
6.1.1 AMI communications technology market shares
6.2 Industry analysis
6.2.1 Europe
6.2.2 North America
6.3 Market trends
6.3.1 Transition from mechanical to static metering technologies
6.3.2 Rapidly growing adoption of standards-based LPWA
6.3.3 AMI network implementation and operational models are changing
6.3.4 Realising the full potential of water AMI beyond meter-to-cash
6.3.5 Digital security – a top priority for future smart water networks


List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Water services value chain ……………3
Figure 1.2: General water service management models…………4
Figure 1.3: Drinking water service statistics and management models (EU27+3 & NA) ….7
Figure 1.4: Top 50 European drinking water system operators (2020/2021)…… 10
Figure 1.5: Top 25 North American drinking water system operators (2020/2021)…..15
Figure 2.1: Smart metering infrastructure…………… 24
Figure 2.2: Examples of water meters with AMI/AMR functionality ……… 26
Figure 3.1: Unlicensed and reserved radio frequencies available for wireless IoT……36
Figure 3.2: Number of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks (World 2018-2020)…….. 39
Figure 3.3: LoRaWAN network architecture ………….. 40
Figure 3.4: Public LoRaWAN network operators in Europe & North America (Q2-2021) ..41
Figure 3.5: Sigfox network partners in Europe & North America (Q1-2021)……. 45
Figure 3.6: Selected members of the OMS Group…………. 47
Figure 3.7: OMS over LoRaWAN ……………. 48
Figure 3.8: Selected members of the Wize Alliance by industry ………. 49
Figure 4.1: Water meter vendor company data (FY2020/2021)…….. 52
Figure 4.2: Ultrimis W ultrasonic water meter………… 53
Figure 4.3: Sonata ultrasonic meter & Dialog 3G Register………. 55
Figure 4.4: Qalcosonic W1 ultrasonic meter …………. 58
Figure 4.5: ORION Cellular LTE-M endpoint & BEACON AMA ……… 60
Figure 4.6: HYDRUS ultrasonic meter & RC i G4 radio module…….. 62
Figure 4.7: Cyble 5 module & Intelis ultrasonic meter (NA) ……….. 69
Figure 4.8: MULTICAL 21 & flowIQ 2200 ultrasonic meters ……….. 73
Figure 4.9: ELECTO SONIC ultrasonic meter and ARROW WAN NB-IoT module…. 75
Figure 4.10: R900 RF Meter Interface Unit………….. 81
Figure 4.11: G3 module ……………… 90
Figure 4.12: X231 Cellular AMI endpoint & 100C Smart Valve………. 94
Figure 4.13: VertexOne’s solution portfolio, post WaterSmart acquisition…….. 106
Figure 5.1: Top European water utilities by AMI endpoints installed (2021)…..110
Figure 5.2: Major European AMI projects using Wize …………116
Figure 5.3: Major European AMI projects using proprietary RF………117
Figure 5.4: Major European AMI projects using LoRaWAN or Sigfox ……120
Figure 5.5: Major European AMI projects using 3GPP-based LPWA…….121
Figure 5.6: Major AMI projects in Europe …………….124
Figure 5.7: Top North American water utilities by AMI endpoints installed (2021) ….126
Figure 5.8: Top AMI projects in North America ………….131
Figure 5.9: Top North American AMI projects using cellular technology…….133
Figure 6.1: Water AMI & AMR installed base and shipments (EU27+3 2021-2027)….136
Figure 6.2: Water AMI & AMR installed base and shipments (NA 2021-2027)….137
Figure 6.3: AMI installed base by communications technology (2021-2027)……140
Figure 6.4: Top 5 utility AMI & AMR endpoint vendors (EU27+3 2021) ……..143
Figure 6.5: Vendor shares of installed base (EU27+3 2021)……….145
Figure 6.6: Top 5 utility AMI & AMR endpoint vendors (North America 2021)…..148
Figure 6.7: Vendor shares of installed base (North America 2021)…….150


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