출판:Juniper Research(주니퍼 리서치) 출판년도:2022년09월
Virtual Cards: Sector Analysis, Competitor Leaderboard & Market Forecasts 2022-2027
가상 카드(Virtual Cards) : 섹터 분석, 경쟁 스코어 보드, 시장 예측 2022-2027
가격※ | GBP2,990 |
구성 | 영문조사보고서 |
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Juniper Research「가상 카드 : 섹터 분석, 경쟁 스코어 보드, 시장 예측 2022-2027 – Virtual Cards: Sector Analysis, Competitor Leaderboard & Market Forecasts 2022-2027」는 가상 카드 시장의 성장, B2B와 B2C의 변화, 가상 카드 제공 회사가 직면한 과제 등 광범위한 조사 결과를 제공합니다.
또한, 이하 보도 자료에서 세계의 가상 카드 거래 수는 2027 년까지 세계에서 1,210 억을 초과한다는 예측을 발표했습니다. Apply Pay 및 Google Pay와 같은 견고한 사용자 기반을 갖춘 기존 디지털 월렛 서비스와 가상 카드의 통합 증가가 성장 촉진 요인이 될 것으로 예상됩니다.
이 보고서는 Juniper Research의 경쟁 스코어보드를 통해 주요 벤더 20개사의 경쟁 환경을 이해하는 데 도움이 되는 정보를 제공합니다.
조사 범위
- 원격 B2C 결제
- POS를 통한 B2C 결제
- 아래 섹터를 포함한 B2B 결제
- 의료
- 금융 서비스
- 플릿
주요 게시물
- 시장 환경
- 섹터 분석 : 아래 섹터에서 가상 카드 사용의 과제와 기회에 대한 광범위한 분석
- 수익 및 비용
- 은행업 및 금융
- B2C
- 플릿
- 의료
- 마케팅
- 공공 부문
- 여행
- Juniper Research 경쟁 스코어보드: 가상 카드 공급업체 20개 회사의 특성, 납품 및 위치 평가
- Abine
- AirPlus
- Apple
- Bank of China
- Barclaycard
- Capital One
- Conferma Pay
- Flutterwave
- JPMorgan Chase
- Lithic
- Marqeta
- Mineraltree
- Nubank
- Open
- Qonto
- 楽天カード
- Revolut
- Stripe
- 벤치마크 산업 예측: 원격 B2C, POS B2C 그리고 B2B 당 가상 카드 수익, 거래 수, 가치의 5년 예측. B2B에 대해서는 의료, 플릿, 금융의 각 데이터를 게재. 대상 지역은 세계 8개 지역, 60개국
- 북미: 캐나다, 미국
- 라틴 아메리카: 아르헨티나, 브라질, 칠레, 콜롬비아, 에콰도르, 멕시코, 페루, 우루과이
- 서유럽: 오스트리아, 벨기에, 덴마크, 핀란드, 프랑스, 독일, 그리스, 아일랜드, 이탈리아, 네덜란드, 노르웨이, 포르투갈, 스페인, 스웨덴, 스위스, 영국
- 중동유럽: 크로아티아, 체코, 헝가리, 폴란드, 루마니아, 러시아, 터키, 우크라이나
- 극동과 중국: 중국, 홍콩, 일본, 한국
- 인도 아대륙: 방글라데시, 인도, 네팔, 파키스탄
- 기타 아시아 태평양 지역: 호주, 인도네시아, 말레이시아, 뉴질랜드, 필리핀, 싱가포르, 태국, 베트남
- 아프리카 & 중동: 알제리, 이집트, 이스라엘, 케냐, 쿠웨이트, 나이지리아, 카타르, 사우디 아라비아, 남아프리카, 아랍 에미리트
Juniper Research’s Virtual Cards forecast suite includes:
- Virtual card revenue, transaction value and volume, by sector:
Geographical splits: 60 countries
Number of tables: 89
Number of datapoints: Over 38,000
Harvest: Our online data platform, harvest, contains the very latest market data and is updated throughout the year. This is a fully featured platform; enabling clients to better understand key data trends and manipulate charts and tables; overlaying different forecasts within the one chart – using the comparison tool. Empowering your business with our market intelligence centre, and get alerted whenever your data is updated.
Interactive Excels (IFxl): Our IFxl tool enables clients to manipulate both forecast data and charts, within an Excel environment, to test their own assumptions using the interactive scenario tool and compare selected markets side by side in custom charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase a client’s ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.
Juniper Research forecasts that the number of virtual card transactions will exceed 121 billion globally by 2027; increasing from 28 billion in 2022. This represents growth of 340%. Juniper Research predicts the rising integration of virtual cards to existing digital wallets services, such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, will drive this growth by exploiting existing substantial user bases of these digital wallets.
- Juniper Research found that the global number of virtual card transactions through mobile payment methods will grow from 5 billion in 2022 to 53 billion in 2027, as the adoption of virtual cards in contactless payments accelerates. The inclusion of virtual cards as a key market driver of consumer adoption of contactless payments in rapidly developing economies, such as India. This allows them to meet market demand for convenient payment options during checkout amongst unbanked populations.
- Virtual cards face tough competition from other payment methods, such as traditional contactless cards and QR codes. However, it is anticipated that the secure nature of virtual cards will drive demand in an increasingly security-conscious market.
- Additionally, Juniper Research forecasts that the US will account for $71 billion in B2B virtual card revenue by 2027; representing 72% of global revenue. The growing use of virtual cards in the healthcare sector will be key to driving this growth, with virtual cards increasingly used to pay for supplies and equipment due to the speed of transactions and inherent security of this payment method.
- In response, virtual card vendors are encouraged to offer integration with accounts-payable software, such as MineralTree and WEX, to streamline the payment process undertaken by major US healthcare providers.
보고서 구성 및 가격표
GBP 2,990 | |
Hampshire, UK – 27th September 2022: A new study from Juniper Research has found the number of virtual card transactions will exceed 121 billion globally by 2027; increasing from 28 billion in 2022. This represents growth of 340%. It predicts the rising integration of virtual cards to existing digital wallets services, such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, will drive this growth by exploiting existing substantial user bases of these digital wallets.
영국 햄프셔 – 2022년 9월 27일: Juniper Research의 새로운 연구에 따르면 가상 카드 거래 수가 2027년까지 전 세계적으로 1,210억 건을 초과할 것으로 나타났습니다. 2022년의 280억에서 증가합니다. 이는 340%의 성장을 나타냅니다. Apple Pay 및 Google Pay와 같은 기존 디지털 지갑 서비스에 대한 가상 카드의 증가하는 통합은 이러한 디지털 지갑의 기존 상당한 사용자 기반을 활용하여 이러한 성장을 주도할 것으로 예측합니다
A virtual card is a randomly generated card number linked to a payment account.
Virtual Cards Key to Providing Secure & Convenient Mobile Payments
The research found that the global number of virtual card transactions through mobile payment methods will grow from 5 billion in 2022 to 53 billion in 2027, as the adoption of virtual cards in contactless payments accelerates. It identified the inclusion of virtual cards as a key market driver of consumer adoption of contactless payments in rapidly developing economies, such as India. This allows them to meet market demand for convenient payment options during checkout amongst unbanked populations.
Virtual cards face tough competition from other payment methods, such as traditional contactless cards and QR codes. However, the report anticipates that the secure nature of virtual cards will drive demand in an increasingly security-conscious market.
US to Represent Largest Market for Business Virtual Card Transactions
Additionally, the report forecasts that the US will account for $71 billion in B2B virtual card revenue by 2027; representing 72% of global revenue. It predicts that the growing use of virtual cards in the healthcare sector will be key to driving this growth, with virtual cards increasingly used to pay for supplies and equipment due to the speed of transactions and inherent security of this payment method.
In response, it encourages virtual card vendors to offer integration with accounts-payable software, such as MineralTree and WEX, to streamline the payment process undertaken by major US healthcare providers.
Juniper Research provides research and analytical services to the global hi-tech communications sector; providing consultancy, analyst reports, and industry commentary.
1. Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations
1.1 Key Takeaways ………………7
1.2 Strategic Recommendations …………….8
2. Market Landscape
2.1 Introduction………………10
2.2 How Virtual Cards Work…………….10
2.2.1 Virtual Cards & Tokenisation …………..10
2.2.2 Unique Features of Virtual Cards ……….10
2.2.3 Benefits of Virtual Cards………….11
2.3 Application………………..12
2.4 Monetisation ……………….12
2.4.1 Issuers ………………12
Figure 2.1: Sources of Income from Virtual Cards for Issuers……. 12
2.4.2 Users………………13
2.5 Future Outlook……………….13
2.5.1 Intranational Payments …………..13
2.5.2 International Payments …………..14
2.5.3 B2B & B2C Comparison…………..15
Figure 2.2: Difference in Future Outlook for B2B and B2C Virtual Cards … 15
2.5.4 High-value Trade Corridors…………..15
i. US – Canada …………….15
ii. US – China ………………16
iii. EU – UK …………….16
2.6 Limitations………………..16
3. Sector Analysis
3.1 Accounts Payable & Expenses ………….. 21
3.1.1 Landscape……………… 21
3.1.2 Opportunities……………… 21
3.1.3 Challenges …………….. 21
3.2 Banking & Finance……………. 22
3.2.1 Opportunities……………… 22
3.2.2 Challenges …………….. 22
3.3 Travel …………………. 23
3.3.1 Opportunities……………… 23
3.3.2 Challenges …………….. 23
3.4 Healthcare……………….. 23
3.4.1 Opportunities……………… 23
3.4.2 Challenges …………….. 24
3.5 Marketing……………… 24
3.5.1 Opportunities……………… 24
3.5.2 Challenges …………….. 25
3.6 Fleet ………………… 25
3.6.1 Opportunities……………… 25
3.6.2 Challenges …………….. 25
3.7 Business to Consumer…………… 26
3.7.1 Opportunities……………… 26
3.7.2 Challenges …………….. 26
3.8 Public Sector ………………. 27
3.8.1 Opportunities……………… 27
3.8.2 Challenges …………….. 27
4. Competitor Leaderboard
4.1 Why Read This Report? ……………..30
Table 4.1: Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Virtual Cards Vendors
Included & Product Portfolio …………… 31
Figure 4.2: Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard for Virtual Cards Vendors…………………. 32
Table 4.3: Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Virtual Cards Vendors & Positioning ………………… 32
Table 4.4: Virtual Cards Leaderboard Scoring (1 of 2)………. 33
Table 4.5: Virtual Card Leaderboard Scoring (2 of 2) …….. 34
4.2 Virtual Cards Vendor Profiles …………….35
4.2.1 Abine………………35
i. Corporate ……………..35
ii. Geographic Spread…………….35
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……….35
iv. High-level View of Offerings …………35
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development Opportunities……………..35
4.2.2 AirPlus……………….36
i. Corporate ……………..36
ii. Geographic Spread…………….36
iii. Key Clients and Partnerships ………….36
iv. High-level View of Offerings …………36
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development Opportunities……………..36
4.2.3 Apple………………37
i. Corporate ……………..37
ii. Geographic Spread…………….37
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……….37
iv. High-level View of Offerings …………37
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development Opportunities ……………. 37
4.2.4 Bank of China ……………… 38
i. Corporate…………….. 38
Table 4.6: Bank of China’s Non-interest Income per annum ($m)……38
ii. Geographic Spread …………… 38
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……… 38
iv. High-level View of Offerings………… 38
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development Opportunities ……………. 39
4.2.5 Barclaycard……………. 39
i. Corporate…………….. 39
Table 4.7: Barclaycard’s Net Fee, Commission and Other Income per annum ($m) …………………39
ii. Geographic Spread …………… 39
iii. Key Clients & Strategic partnership ……….. 39
iv. High-level View of Offerings………… 39
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development Opportunities ……………. 40
4.2.6 Capital One……………. 40
i. Corporate…………….. 40
Table 4.8: Capital One’s Non-interest Income per annum ($m)…….40
ii. Geographic Spread …………… 40
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships. …….. 40
iv. High-level View of Offerings………… 40
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development Opportunities ……………. 41
4.2.7 Conferma Pay……………… 41
i. Corporate…………….. 41
ii. Geographic Spread …………… 41
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships. …….. 41
iv. High-level View of Offerings …………42
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development Opportunities……………..42
4.2.8 Flutterwave …………….42
i. Corporate ……………..42
Table 4.9: Flutterwave’s Funding Rounds …………. 42
ii. Geographic Spread…………….43
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……….43
iv. High-level View of Offerings …………43
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strength & Strategic Development Opportunities……………..43
4.2.9 JPMorgan Chase ……………..43
i. Corporate ……………..43
Table 4.10: JPMorgan Chase’s Card Income per annum ($m) …… 44
ii. Geographic Spread…………….44
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……….44
iv. High-Level View of Offerings ………..44
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development Opportunities……………..44
4.2.10 Lithic ……………….45
i. Corporate ……………..45
Table 4.11: Lithic’s Funding Rounds…………. 45
ii. Geographic Spread…………….45
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships……….45
iv. High-level View of Offerings …………45
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development Opportunities……………..45
4.2.11 Marqeta……………..46
i. Corporate ……………..46
ii. Geographic Spread…………….46
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……….46
iv. High-level View of Offerings………… 46
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strength & Strategic Development Opportunities ……………. 46
4.2.12 Mineraltree…………….. 47
i. Corporate…………….. 47
Table 4.12: Mineraltree’s Funding Rounds…………47
ii. Geographic Spread …………… 47
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……… 47
iv. High-level View of Offerings………… 47
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development Opportunities ……………. 47
4.2.13 Nubank …………….. 48
i. Corporate…………….. 48
Table 4.13: Nubank’s Fee & Commission Income per annum ($m) ….48
ii. Geographic Spread …………… 48
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……… 48
iv. High-level View of Offerings………… 48
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development Opportunities ……………. 48
4.2.14 Open………………. 49
i. Corporate…………….. 49
Table 4.14: Open’s Funding Rounds ………….49
ii. Geographic Spread …………… 49
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……… 49
iv. High-level View of Offerings………… 49
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development Opportunities ……………. 50
4.2.15 Qonto……………….. 50
i. Corporate…………….. 50
Table 4.15: Qonto’s Funding Rounds …………50
ii. Geographic Spread …………… 50
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……….50
iv. High-level View of Offerings …………51
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development Opportunities……………..51
4.2.16 Rakuten Card……………..51
i. Corporate ……………..51
ii. Geographic Spread…………….51
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……….51
iv. High-level View of Offerings …………52
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development Opportunities……………..52
4.2.17 Revolut……………….52
i. Corporate ……………..52
Table 4.16: Revolut’s Revenue per annum ($m)………… 52
ii. Geographic Spread…………….52
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……….52
iv. High-level View of Offerings …………52
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development Opportunities……………..53
4.2.18 SBI ………………..53
i. Corporate. …………….53
Table 4.17: SBI’s Operating Results per annum ($m)……… 53
ii. Geographic Spread…………….53
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……….53
iv. High-level View of Offerings …………53
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development Opportunity……………..54
4.2.19 Stripe ………………54
i. Corporate ……………..54
Table 4.18: Stripe’s Funding Rounds ($m) ………… 54
ii. Geographic Spread…………….54
iii. Key Client & Strategic Partnerships ……….. 54
iv. High-level View of Offerings………… 55
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development Opportunities ……………. 55
4.2.20 WEX ……………….. 55
i. Corporate…………….. 55
Table 4.19: WEX’s Finance Fee Revenue per annum ($m) ……..55
ii. Geographic Spread …………… 55
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……… 55
iv. High-level View of Offering …………. 56
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Development Opportunities ……………. 56
4.3 Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard Assessment Methodology … 57
4.4 Limitations & Interpretations …………… 57
Table 4.20: Virtual Card Vendor Assessment Factors ………58
5. Market Forecasts
5.1 Methodology & Assumptions …………… 60
Figure 5.1: B2C Virtual Cards Forecast Methodology ………61
Figure 5.2: B2B Virtual Card Forecast Methodology ……..62
5.2 Global Virtual Cards Forecast …………… 63
5.2.1 Virtual Card Transaction Value & Revenue……… 63
Figure & Table 5.3: Virtual Card Revenue per annum ($bn), by Sector, 2022-2027 …………………..63
5.2.2 Number of virtual Card Transactions………… 63
Figure & Table 5.4: Number of Virtual Card Transactions per annum (m), by Sector, 2022-2027……………….63
5.3 B2B Payments……………….. 64
5.3.1 Healthcare B2B Virtual Card Revenue……….. 64
Figure & Table 5.5: B2B Healthcare Virtual Card Revenue per annum ($ bn), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027…………….64
5.3.2 Fleet Management B2B Virtual Card Revenue…….65
Figure & Table 5.6: Fleet Management B2B Virtual Card Revenue per annum ($ bn), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027………….. 65
5.3.3 Finance B2B Virtual Card Revenue………..66
Figure & Table 5.7: Finance B2B Virtual Card Revenue per annum ($ bn), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027 …………….. 66
5.4 B2C Payments ………………..67
5.4.1 Remote B2C Virtual Card Transaction Revenue …….67
Figure & Table 5.8: Remote B2C Virtual Card Transaction Revenue per annum ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027………… 67
5.4.2 POS B2C Virtual Card Transaction Revenue……..68
Figure & Table 5.9: POS B2C Virtual Card Transaction Revenue per annum ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027…………. 68