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애프터마켓 자동차 텔레매틱스 3판

출판:Berg Insight 출판년월:2022년05월

Aftermarket Car Telematics 3rd Edition

도난차 추적 및 회수(SVT/SVR), 차량 진단, Wi-Fi 핫스팟, 로드사이드 어시스턴스, 일반 소비자를 대상으로 한 편리 용도로 활용되는 애프터마켓에서 자동차 텔레마티스의 최신 동향을 조사·분석

폐이지수 225
 Single user license Eur 1,500
 2-10 User license Eur 2,250
 Corporate license Eur 3,000
구성 영문조사보고서

리포트목차    주문/문의    납기/라이센스안내

Sample Request

Berg Insight「애프터마켓 자동차 텔레매틱스 3판 – Aftermarket Car Telematics 3rd Edition」도난차 추적 및 회수(SVT/SVR), 차량 진단, Wi-Fi 핫스팟, 로드사이드 어시스턴스, 일반 소비자를 대상으로 한 편리 용도로 활용되는 애프터마켓에서 자동차 텔레마티스의 최신 동향을 조사·분석 하고 있습니다。

이 보고서의 특징

  • 기업의 이그제큐티브 인터뷰에서의 통찰
  • 애프터마켓에서 자동차 텔레매틱스의 가치 사슬과 주요 용도에 대한 포괄적인 개요
  • 시장 동향과 중요 동향의 상세 분석
  • 애프터마켓에서 자동차 텔레매틱스 솔루션 제공업체 98개 기업 정보
  • 애프터 마켓에서 자동차 텔레매틱스에서 자동차 제조업체와 모바일 사업자의 참여 상황
  • 세계 자동차 인구 및 신규 등록 차량 수에 대한 최신 데이터
  • 2026년까지 지역별 시장 예측

주요 게시물

  1. 세계 승용차 시장
  2. 자동차 텔레매틱스 솔루션
  3. 시장 예측과 동향
    1. 애프터마켓 자동차 텔레매틱스 시장 규모
      1. 유럽 애프터마켓 자동차 텔레매틱스
      2. 남북미 애프터마켓 자동차 텔레매틱스
      3. 기타 지역(RoW) 애프터마켓 자동차 텔레매틱스
      4. 벤더 시장 점유율
    2. 가치 사슬 분석
      1. 자동차 산업 플레이어
      2. 텔레매틱스 업계 플레이어
      3. 통신 업계 플레이어
      4. IT 산업 플레이어
    3. 시장 촉진 요인 및 저해 요인
    4. 시장 동향 및 요약
  4. 세계 자동차 텔레매틱스 솔루션 제공업체
  5. 기업 정보 및 전략
    1. SVT/SVR 및 관련 서비스 제공업체
    2. 일반 소비자를 위한 텔레매틱스 솔루션 제공업체
    3. 기술 공급업체

Report Overview

Aftermarket Car Telematics is the third consecutive report from Berg Insight analysing the latest developments on the market for applications such as stolen vehicle tracking (SVT), vehicle diagnostics, Wi-Fi hotspot, roadside assistance and convenience
applications targeting consumers. This strategic research report from Berg Insight provides you with 225 pages of unique business intelligence including 5-year industry forecasts and expert commentary on which to base your business decisions.

What are the latest trends and business opportunities for aftermarket car telematics? Berg Insight estimates that total shipments of aftermarket car telematics systems reached 26.6 million units worldwide in 2021. Growing at a compound annual growth rate of 10.7 percent, shipments are expected to reach 44.3 million units in 2026. The aftermarket car telematics applications covered in the report include stolen vehicle tracking, roadside assistance, vehicle diagnostics, Wi-Fi hotspot and various convenience applications. Get up to date with the latest industry trends in this new 225-page strategy report from Berg Insight.
애프터마켓 자동차 텔레매틱스의 최신 트렌드와 비즈니스 기회는 무엇입니까? Berg Insight는 애프터마켓 차량용 텔레매틱스 시스템의 총 출하량이 2021년에 전 세계적으로 2,660만 대에 도달했다고 추정합니다. 연간 복합 성장률 10.7%로 성장하여 2026년에는 출하량이 4,430만 대에 이를 것으로 예상됩니다. 보고서에서 다루는 애프터마켓 차량용 텔레매틱스 애플리케이션 도난 차량 추적, 긴급출동 지원, 차량 진단, Wi-Fi 핫스팟 및 다양한 편의 애플리케이션이 포함됩니다. Berg Insight의 이 새로운 225페이지 전략 보고서에서 최신 산업 동향을 확인하십시오.

Highlights from the report:

  • Insights from 30 new executive interviews with market leading companies.
  • Comprehensive overview of the aftermarket car telematics value chain and key applications.
  • In-depth analysis of market trends and key developments.
  • New profiles of 98 aftermarket car telematics solution providers.
  • Summary of the involvement of vehicle OEMs and mobile operators.
  • New data on car populations and new car registrations worldwide.
  • Market forecasts by region lasting until 2026.


Executive summary

1 The global passenger car market

1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Passenger cars in use by region
1.1.2 New passenger car registration trends
1.1.3 Hybrid electric, plug-in hybrid electric and all-electric vehicles
1.2 Overview of aftermarket car telematics services
1.2.1 Aftermarket car telematics services in Europe
1.2.2 Aftermarket car telematics services in the Americas
1.2.3 Aftermarket car telematics services in ROW
1.3 Regulatory compliance
1.3.1 Vehicle security, safety and emergency call regulations
1.3.2 The eCall and ERA-GLONASS initiatives
1.3.3 Insurance industry standards for vehicle tracking
1.4 Vehicle crime

2 Car telematics solutions

2.1 Aftermarket telematics infrastructure
2.1.1 Vehicle segment
2.1.2 Tracking segment
2.1.3 Network segment
2.1.4 Service segment
2.2 Aftermarket car telematics applications
2.2.1 eCall and roadside assistance
2.2.2 Stolen vehicle tracking
2.2.3 Motor insurance telematics
2.2.4 Dealer lot management
2.2.5 Vehicle finance telematics
2.2.6 Remote control and convenience services
2.2.7 Vehicle diagnostics and maintenance
2.2.8 Electronic toll collection and congestion charging
2.2.9 Wi-Fi hotspot
2.2.10 Vehicle emission monitoring
2.3 Business models

3 Market forecasts and trends

3.1 Aftermarket car telematics market sizing
3.1.1 Aftermarket car telematics in Europe
3.1.2 Aftermarket car telematics in the Americas
3.1.3 Aftermarket car telematics in ROW
3.1.4 Vendor market shares
3.2 Value chain analysis
3.2.1 Automotive industry players
3.2.2 Telematics industry players
3.2.3 Telecom industry players
3.2.4 IT industry players
3.3 Market drivers and barriers
3.3.1 Macroeconomic environment
3.3.2 Regulatory environment
3.3.3 Competitive environment
3.3.4 Technology environment
3.4 Market trends and conclusions
3.4.1 Continued broadening of the aftermarket car telematics concept is expected
3.4.2 Privacy concerns are softening
3.4.3 Aftermarket SVT/SVR services compete with OEM services in many countries
3.4.4 Usage-based insurance to remain an aftermarket service in most countries
3.4.5 Insurance companies insource telematics activities in many markets
3.4.6 Smartphone-based telematics solutions compete with aftermarket telematics
3.4.7 CRM solutions and vehicle diagnostics enable improved customer care
3.4.8 Wi-Fi hotspots enable convenient connectivity for passengers
3.4.9 Car telematics service providers to use a wide ecosystem of partners
3.4.10 Aftermarket telematics can help OEMs manage network shutdowns
3.4.11 New IoT Technologies to simplify aftermarket car telematics services

4 International car telematics solution providers

4.1 CalAmp (LoJack International)
4.2 Connected Cars
4.3 Continental
4.4 Harman
4.5 IMS (Trak Global Group)
4.6 Ituran
4.7 Mojio
4.8 Motix Connected
4.9 Octo Telematics
4.10 PowerFleet
4.11 Scope Technology
4.12 Springworks International
4.13 Targa Telematics
4.14 Teletrac Navman Automotive
4.15 Verizon
4.16 Viasat Group
4.17 Vodafone and Vodafone Automotive

5 Company profiles and strategies

5.1 Providers of SVT/SVR and related services
5.1.1 Autoconnex
5.1.2 Autolocator
5.1.3 Cesar Satellite
5.1.4 StarLine
5.1.5 Coyote (Traqueur)
5.1.6 FairConnect
5.1.7 Ingenie Business
5.1.8 Sherlog Technology
5.1.9 BrickHouse Security
5.1.10 Certified Tracking Solutions
5.1.11 Cox Automotive and Cox2M
5.1.12 Guidepoint Systems
5.1.13 Ikon Technologies
5.1.14 IMETRIK Global
5.1.15 MasTrack
5.1.16 PassTime GPS
5.1.17 Procon Analytics
5.1.18 SareKon
5.1.19 Skypatrol
5.1.20 Spireon
5.1.21 SVR Tracking
5.1.22 Autotrac
5.1.23 Car Security (LoJack Argentina)
5.1.24 CEABS
5.1.25 Maxtrack
5.1.26 Omnilink
5.1.27 Pósitron (Stoneridge)
5.1.28 Active Telematics
5.1.29 Katsana
5.1.30 TPL Trakker
5.1.31 ACM Track
5.1.32 Bidtrack (Bidvest Group)
5.1.33 Ctrack South Africa
5.1.34 Cartrack (Karooooo)
5.1.35 Digicell
5.1.36 MiX Telematics
5.1.37 Netstar
5.1.38 Tracker Connect
5.2 Consumer telematics solution providers
5.2.1 Air
5.2.2 AutoSense
5.2.3 Grupo Next
5.2.4 Net4Things
5.2.5 Protectus Technologies (CarLock)
5.2.6 Paydrive
5.2.7 The Plan B Company
5.2.8 Ryd (Thinxnet)
5.2.9 AccuTracking
5.2.10 Autobrain
5.2.11 Autonet Mobile
5.2.12 Agnik (Vyncs)
5.2.13 LandAirSea
5.2.14 Linxup (MOTOsafety)
5.2.15 Modus
5.2.16 Tail Light (Bouncie)
5.2.17 Voyomotive
5.2.18 Zubie
5.2.19 Comodif
5.2.20 Beijing Yesway Information Technology
5.2.21 CarIQ
5.2.22 Minda iConnect (Carot India)
5.2.23 PATEO
5.2.24 SenSight Technologies (AutoWiz)
5.2.25 Jooycar
5.3 Technology vendors
5.3.1 Danlaw
5.3.2 Gosuncn WeLink
5.3.3 Jimi (Concox)
5.3.4 Meitrack
5.3.5 Meta System
5.3.6 Munic
5.3.7 Neoway
5.3.8 PFK Electronics
5.3.9 Positioning Universal
5.3.10 Quartix
5.3.11 Queclink Wireless Solutions
5.3.12 Questar Auto Technologies
5.3.13 Redtail Telematics
5.3.14 Sinocastel
5.3.15 Teltonika
5.3.16 Trakm8
5.3.17 ThinkRace
5.3.18 Xirgo Technologies (Sensata)


List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Car parc by region (World 2014-2020)…………..4
Figure 1.2: Passenger car density per 1,000 inhabitants (EU27+UK 2019)……5
Figure 1.3: New car registration data (World 2014-2021)……….6
Figure 1.4: Top 10 countries by new passenger car and light truck registrations (2021)….7
Figure 1.5: Passenger car registrations by manufacturer (EU+EFTA 2021) ……..9
Figure 1.6: Passenger car registrations by manufacturer (North America 2021)…… 10
Figure 1.7: Passenger car registrations by manufacturer (China 2021)…….. 12
Figure 1.8: Registered highway capable BEVs and PHEVs (World 2021)……. 14
Figure 1.9: New registrations of highway capable BEVs and PHEVs (World 2021) ….15
Figure 2.1: Number of LTE-M and NB-IoT networks (World 2018-2021)…… 35
Figure 2.2: eCall application lifecycle …………… 38
Figure 2.3: SVT application lifecycle…………….. 39
Figure 2.4: Motor insurance telematics application lifecycle………. 40
Figure 2.5: Electronic toll collection application lifecycle………… 43
Figure 3.1: Device shipments and active systems in use (World 2021-2026)…. 48
Figure 3.2: Device shipments and active systems in use (EU+EFTA 2021-2026)……49
Figure 3.3: Device shipments and active systems in use (E. Europe 2021-2026) ……50
Figure 3.4: Device shipments and active systems in use (North America 2021-2026) ..51
Figure 3.5: Device shipments and active systems in use (Latin America 2021-2026) …52
Figure 3.6: Device shipments and active systems in use (APAC 2021-2026)…. 53
Figure 3.7: Device shipments and active systems in use (MEA 2021-2026)…… 54
Figure 3.8: Major aftermarket car telematics vendors (World Q4-2021) ……. 56
Figure 3.9: Major specialised SVT/SVR telematics vendors (World Q4-2021)…. 59
Figure 3.10: Major specialised consumer telematics players (World Q4-2021)….. 60
Figure 3.11: Examples of hardware vendors serving the car telematics market…. 69
Figure 3.12: The T-Mobile Sync-UP DRIVE app ………….. 71
Figure 3.13: MNO consumer car telematics offerings (Q4-2021)……… 72
Figure 3.14: IoT communications and managed service providers (Q4-2021)…… 76
Figure 4.1: The HARMAN Spark app…………….97
Figure 4.2: Motion for Audi Connect……………108
Figure 4.3: GLOBALWATCH coverage by Teletrac Navman Automotive ……124
Figure 4.4: Verizon Hum products……………126
Figure 5.1: The StarLine M18 Pro telematics device ………..137
Figure 5.2: Cartrack consumer subscription packages (South Africa 2021) ….168
Figure 5.3: Overview of Cartrack’s subscriber base by region (November 2021) …..169
Figure 5.4: Matrix subscription packages (South Africa 2021)……..172
Figure 5.5: Tracker Connect subscription packages (South Africa 2020) ……..177
Figure 5.6: The CarLock web app ……………182
Figure 5.7: Autonet Mobile hardware …………….188
Figure 5.8: DataLogger OBD-II Devices (Q3-2021) ………….204
Figure 5.9: Sinocastel OBD devices ……………219
Figure 5.10: AmberOBD mobile and web apps………….222
Figure 5.11: Xirgo’s XT 2400 Series…………….224


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