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세계의 원격 탱크 감시 시장 제4판

출판:Berg Insight 출판년월:2021년11월

・The Global Remote Tank Monitoring Market
 세계의 원격 탱크 감시 시장(제4판)

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구성 영문조사보고서

리포트목차    주문/문의    납기/라이센스안내

Sample Request

Berg Insight「세계의 원격 탱크 감시 시장(제4판) – The Global Remote Tank Monitoring Market」는 다양한 산업에서 사용되는 커넥티드 탱크 시장을 조사하고 있습니다. 탱크의 대표적인 용도로는 탱크 위치 추적, 탱크 레벨 모니터링, 규제 대응 및 보고, 배송 및 픽업 경로 최적화, 재고 관리 및 분석 등이 있습니다. 원격 탱크 모니터링(RTM) 시스템의 설치 기반은 2020년 말 480만대, 2025년 2,220만대로 증가하고 연평균 성장률(CAGR)은 35.5%가 될 것으로 예측된다.

Berg Insight「세계의 원격 탱크 감시 시장(제4판) – The Global Remote Tank Monitoring Market」는 세계의 원격 탱크 감시 시장을 조사해, 관련 기업 정보나 주요 용도 등을 분석·해설하고 있습니다.

주요 게시물

  • 기업과의 수많은 인터뷰를 바탕으로 통찰력
  • 원격 탱크 모니터링의 가치 사슬과 주요 용도의 포괄적인 개요
  • 최신 산업 동향 및 발전에 대한 요약
  • 최신 주요 플레이어 60개에 대한 자세한 정보
  • 벤더 시장 점유율 및 경쟁 역학 검토
  • 2025년까지 세계 및 지역별 시장 예측

목차(일부 발췌)

  1. 탱크 모니터링 솔루션
    1. 원격 탱크 모니터링 개요
    2. 원격 탱크 모니터링 인프라
    3. 유통 업무 관리
    4. 탱크 분류 및 사용 사례
    5. 비즈니스 모델 및 프로젝트 전략
  2. 시장 예측과 동향
    1. 시장 분석
    2. 시장 성장 촉진 요인 및 저해 요인
    3. 가치 사슬 분석
    4. 향후 산업 동향
  3. 기업 정보 및 전략
    1. 유럽 솔루션 제공업체
    2. 북미 솔루션 제공업체
    3. 다른 국가의 솔루션 제공업체

This study investigates the market for connected tanks in various industries. Typical applications include tank location tracking, tank level monitoring, regulatory compliance and reporting as well as optimization of delivery and pick up routes, and inventory management and analytics. The installed base of remote tank monitoring (RTM) systems is forecasted to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 35.5 percent from 4.8 million units at the end of 2020 to 22.2 million units by 2025. The report is based on numerous executive interviews and profiles the leading 62 RTM vendors. Get up to date with the latest information about vendors, products and markets.

Highlights from the report:

  • Insights from numerous interviews with market-leading companies.
  • Comprehensive overview of the remote tank monitoring value chain and key applications.
  • Summary of the latest industry trends and developments.
  • Updated in-depth profiles of 69 key players in this market.
  • Reviews of vendor market shares and competitive dynamics.
  • Extensive global and regional market forecasts lasting until 2025.


Executive summary

1 Tank monitoring solutions

1.1 Introduction to remote tank monitoring
1.2 Remote tank monitoring infrastructure
1.2.1 Tank segment
1.2.2 GNSS segment
1.2.3 Network segment
1.2.4 Backoffice segment
1.3 Tank fleet management
1.3.1 Tank location tracking and level monitoring
1.3.2 Security tracking and intervention
1.3.3 Regulatory compliance and reporting
1.3.4 Health and safety
1.4 Distribution operations management
1.4.1 Optimization of delivery and pick up routes
1.4.2 Inventory management and analytics
1.5 Tank segments and use cases
1.6 Business models and project strategies

2 Market forecasts and trends

2.1 Market analysis
2.1.1 The installed base of remote tank monitoring solutions
2.1.2 Remote tank monitoring vendor market shares
2.2 Market drivers and barriers
2.2.1 Macroeconomic environment
2.2.2 Regulatory environment
2.2.3 Competitive environment
2.2.4 Technology environment
2.3 Value chain analysis
2.3.1 Telematics industry players
2.3.2 Tank and level sensor industry players
2.3.3 Telecom industry players
2.3.4 IT industry players
2.4 Future industry trends

3 Company profiles and strategies

3.1 European solution providers
3.1.1 AIUT
3.1.2 AXsensor
3.1.3 Dunraven Systems
3.1.4 Endress+Hauser
3.1.5 ETM Mätteknik
3.1.6 FoxInsights
3.1.7 Fuel it
3.1.8 GreenCityZen
3.1.9 HMS Industrial Networks
3.1.10 iLevel
3.1.11 Kingspan
3.1.12 Measure Connect Display (MCD)
3.1.13 Nanolike
3.1.14 Oriel Systems
3.1.15 Piusi
3.1.16 Powelectrics
3.1.17 Schneider Electric
3.1.18 Sensile Technologies (Wika)
3.1.19 Siemens
3.1.20 SilentSoft
3.1.21 Tecson
3.1.22 Top Fuel
3.1.23 VEGA
3.2 North American solution providers
3.2.1 Angus Energy
3.2.2 Anova
3.2.3 Asset Monitoring Solutions
3.2.4 ATEK Access Technologies (TankScan)
3.2.5 AT&T
3.2.6 Automation Products Group
3.2.7 Banner Engineering
3.2.8 Digi International
3.2.9 Electronic Sensors (Level Devil)
3.2.10 Emerson
3.2.11 FarmChem
3.2.12 Fluid Delivery Solutions
3.2.13 Fource
3.2.14 FreeWave Technologies
3.2.15 Hoover Circular Solutions
3.2.16 InSite Platform Partners (North American Satellite Corporation)
3.2.17 Micro-Design
3.2.18 New Boundary Technologies
3.2.19 OleumTech
3.2.20 Otodata
3.2.21 Pulsa
3.2.22 REDtrac
3.2.23 Rugged Telemetry
3.2.24 Schmitt Industries (Xact Tank Monitoring Systems)
3.2.25 SkyBitz (Ametek)
3.2.26 Tank Utilit
3.2.27 Trimble
3.2.28 Valarm
3.2.29 Varec
3.2.30 Wise Telemetry
3.3 Rest of World solution providers
3.3.1 360Tanks
3.3.2 Farmbot
3.3.3 Farm Monitoring Solutions
3.3.4 Hawk Measurement (FLO-CORP)
3.3.5 HyDip (IOR)
3.3.6 Omniflex
3.3.7 Solidat Applied Technologies
3.3.8 Tanktel
3.3.9 WACnGO
3.4 Tank level sensor manufacturers
3.4.1 Flowline
3.4.2 Gobius Sensor Technology
3.4.3 Pepperl+Fuchs
3.4.4 Senix
3.4.5 Tekelek
3.4.6 Terabee
3.4.7 Wika


List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Remote tank monitoring infrastructure overview…………3
Figure 1.2: Examples of RTM solutions and liquid level sensors ……..4
Figure 1.3: Comparison of LPWA technologies…………10
Figure 1.4: Comparison of LTE IoT specifications…………..11
Figure 1.5: Schematic of the remote tank monitoring backoffice segment ……..12
Figure 1.6: Examples of tank form factors…………..16
Figure 2.1: Remote tank monitoring shipments and installed base (World 2020-2025)….22
Figure 2.2: Remote tank monitoring installed base by technology (World 2020-2025)…..23
Figure 2.3: Top-20 remote tank monitoring providers, by installed base (World Q4-2020)..25
Figure 2.4: Financial data for leading telematics industry players (2020)……..31
Figure 2.5: Remote tank monitoring mergers and acquisitions (2015-2021)…..32
Figure 2.6: Top 10 mobile operators by reported IoT Connections (World Q4-2020)….33
Figure 3.1: European solution providers …………….39
Figure 3.2: Remote tank monitoring solution from AIUT ……….40
Figure 3.3: The latest Alevel 1×5 smart tank level sensor from AIUT…….41
Figure 3.4: The AXsensor liquid level sensor …………42
Figure 3.5: Level sensors from FoxInsights……………45
Figure 3.6: The Fuel it fuel level sensor……………46
Figure 3.7: The liquid level sensor from Nanolike …………..51
Figure 3.8: Sensile Technologies’ Oil Link remote tank monitoring solution……56
Figure 3.9: North American solution providers………….61
Figure 3.10: Gremlin heating oil and Propane monitors ……….63
Figure 3.11: Schematic overview of AT&T Asset Management ? Operations Center…..69
Figure 3.12: OleumTech wireless oilfield automation…………81
Figure 3.13: Rest of World solution providers …………..90
Figure 3.14: Water level sensor from Farmbot ………….91



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