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MaaS(Mobility As A Service) 시장 예측 2022-2027년

출판:Juniper Research(주니퍼 리서치) 출판년도:2022년10월

Mobility-as-a-Service: Business Models, Vendor Strategies and Market Forecasts 2022-2027
MaaS(Mobility-as-a-Service) 시장을 조사하고 기술, 시장 성장 촉진 요인, 주요 벤더 정보 등을 게재하고 있습니다.

가격 GBP 3,750
구성 영문조사보고서

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리포트목차    주문/문의    조사회사/구입안내

Sample Request

Juniper Researchは「MaaS:비즈니스 모델, 벤더 전략, 시장 예측 2022-2027년  – Mobility-as-a-Service: Business Models, Vendor Strategies and Market Forecasts 2022-2027」의 보도 자료에서는 MaaS 서비스 이용으로 2027년까지 연료비 절감액이 108억 달러에 달한다는 예측 결과를 발표. 이는 MaaS 플랫폼 활용에 의한 자가용 차량에서 대중교통으로의 전환이 정체 완화를 일으켜 전 세계적으로의 연료 비용 절감 효과를 가져온 것으로 보고 있습니다.

조사 보고서는 세계 60개국에서의 MaaS 사용자 수, MaaS에서의 이동수, MaaS 이용에 의한 CO2 삭감량, MaaS의 총 수익 등 다양한 메트릭스에 의한 데이터를 제공

Juniper Research「MaaS:비즈니스 모델, 벤더 전략, 시장 예측 2022-2027년  – Mobility-as-a-Service: Business Models, Vendor Strategies and Market Forecasts 2022-2027」는 MaaS(Mobility-as-a-Service) 시장을 조사하고 기술, 시장 성장 촉진 요인, 주요 벤더 정보 등을 게재하고 있습니다.

본 조사 보고서는 세계 60개국에서의 MaaS 사용자 수, MaaS에서의 이동수, MaaS 이용에 의한 CO2 삭감량, MaaS의 총 수익 등 다양한 메트릭스에 의한 데이터를 제공합니다.

주요 게시물

  • 시장 역학
  • 지역별 분석
  • Juniper Research의 경쟁 스코어보드: MaaS의 주요 기업 16개 기업의 특성과 능력 평가
    • Citymapper
    • Cubic Transport
    • Fluidtime
    • GoTo Global
    • Greenlines Technology
    • Here Technology
    • Karhoo
    • MaaS Global
    • Masabi
    • Mobilleo
    • Moovit
    • Ridecell
    • Siemens Mobility
    • SkedGo
    • Trafi
    • Tranzer
  • 산업 예측

이 보고서는 다음 질문에 대한 답변으로 이어지는 정보를 제공합니다.

  1. 세계 2027년까지 MaaS 시장 가치는
  2. 2027년 시장을 선도하는 MaaS 벤더는?
  3. 시장에서 우위를 높이기 위해 어떻게 다루는가?
  4. MaaS 제공업체가 직면한 주요 과제는?
  5. MaaS 공급업체에게 가장 미래가 있는 국가는 어디입니까?

Report Overview

Juniper Research’s Mobility-as-a-Service report provides a detailed evaluation of the MaaS Mobility-as-a-Service) market, including the adoption of MaaS within both developing and established markets. In addition, this report covers market opportunities; providing strategic insights into the technologies and key drivers that are pushing the space forward, such as convenience and sustainability, as well as the role of 16 leading MaaS vendors across the market.

The research suite also contains a detailed dataset; providing forecasts for 60 countries across a number of different metrics, including the number of MaaS users, number of MaaS journeys, amount of CO2 saved through MaaS and total MaaS revenue.

This research suite comprises of:

  • Strategy & Forecasts (PDF)
  • 5-year Market Sizing & Forecast Spreadsheet (Excel)
  • 12 Months’ Access to harvest Online Data Platform
Key Market Statistics
Market size in 2022: $20.3bn
Market size in 2027: $92.8bn
2021 to 2027 growth: 357%


  • Market Dynamics: A strategic analysis of the major drivers, challenges, and innovations shaping the adoption and development of MaaS technologies, including the following:
    • Technological innovations that are enhancing MaaS, including digital ticketing and electric vehicles.
    • Future strategic direction and market outlook for MaaS, such as increasing accessibility to more diverse user bases.
    • Key issues MaaS vendors must be aware of surrounding data and fragmentation.
  • Regional Analysis: A regional-level analysis of 13 countries, spanning 8 key regions; covering the current deployment level and future outlook of MaaS in each market.
  • Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Key player capability and capacity assessment for 16 MaaS vendors:
    • Citymapper
    • Cubic Transport
    • Fluidtime
    • GoTo Global
    • Greenlines Technology
    • Here Technology
    • Karhoo
    • MaaS Global
    • Masabi
    • Mobilleo
    • Moovit
    • Ridecell
    • Siemens Mobility
    • SkedGo
    • Trafi
    • Tranzer
  • Benchmark Industry Forecasts: Forecasts for MaaS, including total number of journeys completed using MaaS, total annual spend on MaaS, total time saved by using MaaS, total fuel cost saving by using MaaS, total CO2 reduction from private car journeys displaced, split by consumers and corporates. Total number of miles travelled through MaaS split by ride hailing, bus, train and metro, micromobility and others. This includes sizing for markets up to 2027; split by our 8 key regions and by the 60 countries listed below:
    • North America:
      • Canada, US
    • Latin America:
      • Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay
    • West Europe:
      • Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK
    • Central & East Europe:
      • Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine
    • Far East & China:
      • China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea
    • Indian Subcontinent:
      • Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan
    • Rest of Asia Pacific:
      • Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
    • Africa & Middle East:
      • Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Kenya, Kuwait, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates
  1. What will the value of the MaaS market globally be by 2027?
  2. Which MaaS vendors are leading the market in 2022?
  3. How can MaaS vendors position themselves in line with MaaS drivers to perform well in the space?
  4. What are the main challenges faced by MaaS providers?
  5. Which countries represent the greatest opportunities for MaaS vendors? What major companies have implemented MaaS? And how have consumers responded?

Interviewed: Mobilleo, Moovit, Skedgo.

Included in Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Citymapper, Cubic Transportation Systems, Fluidtime, GoTo Global, Greenlines Technology, HERE Technologies, Karhoo, MaaS Global, Masabi, Mobilleo, Moovit, Ridecell, Siemens Mobility, SkedGo, Trafi, Tranzer.

Mentioned: A1 Telekom Austria Group, AccuWeather, Aimsun, AppartCity, Arval, BMW, Booking.com, BP Ventures, Cabonline Technologies AB, Calgary Transit, Capitello Move, Clippers, Compass, Continental, Craft, Deutsche Bahn, Dojo, EMT Valencia, Fareportal, Fatec, FEDA (Forces Elèctriques d’Andorra), Feonix, Flygtaxi, Foursquare, Gertek, Gett, Gig Car Share, Go Card, Goldbeck, Grab, Groupe Renault, Highways England, HTM Personenvervoer NV, Increment P, Jelbi, Jorudan, Kinto, Lifesight, Littlepay, Loki, Lonely Planet, Los Angeles Metro, Lurraldebus, Lyko, Manly Ferries, Mastercard, Mazmobi, Mitsubishi Corporation, Mitsui Fudosan, Mobee Travel, Mobileye, Mobimeo, MOIA, MyCorridor, National Express, NordicNinja VC, OMNY, Opal Card , PlaceIQ, Rejseplanen, RTC, San Francisco Muni, Santa Cruz Metro, SBB, Shagrir Group Vehicle Services , Shebah, SmarTrip, Snap, SnapCar, SNCF, STB, Streetlight Data, TAP, TaxiID, TfL, Thames Clippers, TomTom, Toronto Transit Commission, Toyota, Trainline, Transit App, Transport for Greater Manchester, Transport for New South Wales, Transport Scotland, Trapeze, Trip.com, Tui, UbiGo, Vy, Zenly, Zenrin, ZuriMobil.


Juniper Research’s Mobility-as-a-Service forecast suite includes:

  • Corporates
  • Consumers
  • Ad Hoc
  • Subscription

Metrics include total number of journeys completed using MaaS, total annual spend on MaaS, total time saved by using MaaS, total fuel cost saving by using MaaS, total CO2 reduction from private car journeys displaced, split by consumers and corporates. Total number of miles travelled through MaaS split by ride hailing, bus, train and metro, micromobility and others.

Geographical splits: 60 countries
Number of tables: 108
Number of datapoints: Over 73,000 datapoints

Harvest: Our online data platform, harvest, contains the very latest market data and is updated throughout the year. This is a fully featured platform enabling clients to better understand key data trends and manipulate charts and tables; overlaying different forecasts within the one chart – using the comparison tool. Empower your business with our market intelligence centre, and receive alerts whenever your data is updated.
Interactive Excels (IFxl): Our IFxl tool enables clients to manipulate both forecast data and charts, within an Excel environment, to test their own assumptions using the interactive scenario tool and compare selected markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase a client’s ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.


MaaS will generate fuel cost savings of $10.8 billion by 2027 globally; increasing from $2.8 billion in 2022 – a growth of 282%. These savings will be achieved by MaaS’ ability to reduce congestion by displacing private vehicle usage with public transport over MaaS platforms.

  • Consumers will turn to MaaS, as fuel costs increase globally. Juniper Research’s Urban Mobility Survey found that 41% of respondents ranked the cost of transport as being the most important factor when it comes to transportation. MaaS growth is due not only to MaaS being a cheaper travel alternative, but also to the convenience it provides by offering transportation with planning, purchasing and ticketing combined in a single app.
  • The distance travelled via micromobility, a form of transportation using lightweight vehicles such as bicycles and scooters, is set to grow 780% globally between 2022 and 2027. Micromobility enables users to traverse through highly congested cities for the first and last mile of their journey. The growth will be driven by the increased deployment of micromobility infrastructure, including docking stations, bicycles and scooters.

보고서 구성 및 가격표

전체 세트(1과 2 모두 구입) GBP3,750
(1) 동향 및 전략 조사
  • 시장 동향 및 전략 보고서(PDF)
    Market trends &strategies report
GBP 1,990
  • 경쟁 점수판 보고서(PDF)
    Competitor leaderboard report
GBP 1,990
(2) 시장 규모 및 예측 GBP 2,990
  • 시장 데이터, 예측, 분석 보고서(PDF)
    Market data, forecasts and analysis report (pdf)
  • 시장 데이터, 예측, 인터랙티브 데이터(Excel)
    Market data, forecasts and interactivity (xls)
  • 분기 업데이트: 시장 데이터 및 예측(PDF&Excel&온라인 액세스)
    Quarterly updates to market data & forecasts (pdf, xls, online access)
  • 최신 데이터에 대한 12개월 액세스
    harvest market data platform (12 months’ online access)


Hampshire, UK – 3rd October 2022: A new study from Juniper Research found that MaaS (Mobility‑as‑a‑Service) will generate fuel cost savings of $10.8 billion by 2027 globally; increasing from $2.8 billion in 2022 – a growth of 282%. The research anticipates these savings will be achieved by MaaS’ ability to reduce congestion by displacing private vehicle usage with public transport over MaaS platforms.
영국 햄프셔 – 2022년 10월 3일: Juniper Research의 새로운 연구에 따르면 MaaS(Mobility-as-a-Service)가 2027년까지 전 세계적으로 108억 달러의 연료 비용 절감 효과를 가져올 것으로 나타났습니다. 2022년 28억 달러에서 282% 성장 이 연구는 MaaS 플랫폼을 통해 개인 차량 사용을 대중 교통으로 대체함으로써 혼잡을 줄이는 MaaS의 능력에 의해 이러한 절감이 달성될 것으로 예상합니다.



MaaS platforms provide consumer urban transport solutions, such as ride hailing, bus and metro, integrated into a single platform.

Find out more about the related research: The Urban Mobility Survey 2022 – UK & US: Key Findings, Consumer Attitudes & Future Outlook

Increase in Private Vehicle Fuel Costs Driving Growth

The research predicts that consumers will turn to MaaS, as fuel costs increase globally. Juniper Research’s Urban Mobility Survey found that 41% of respondents ranked the cost of transport as being the most important factor when it comes to transportation. MaaS growth is due not only to MaaS being a cheaper travel alternative, but also to the convenience it provides by offering transportation with planning, purchasing and ticketing combined in a single app.

Furthermore, the report predicts that CO2 reduction from private car journeys displaced is also fuelling the growth of MaaS. Research author Cara Malone remarked “MaaS has the ability to improve corporate social responsibility, as a result, MaaS vendors must appeal to companies by demonstrating how MaaS can significantly reduce their carbon emissions from travel.”

Micromobility Set for Strong Growth

The research anticipates that the distance travelled via micromobility, a form of transportation using lightweight vehicles such as bicycles and scooters, is set to grow 780% globally between 2022 and 2027. Micromobility enables users to traverse through highly congested cities for the first and last mile of their journey. The growth will be driven by the increased deployment of micromobility infrastructure, including docking stations, bicycles and scooters.

Juniper Research provides research and analytical services to the global hi-tech communications sector; providing consultancy, analyst reports, and industry commentary.


※풀 세트 (GBP3,750)의 목차 발췌입니다。

1. Market Trends & Strategies

1. Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations

1.1 Key Takeaways ………….5
1.2 Strategic Recommendations ……….6

2. Future Market Outlook

2.1 Introduction…………..8
2.1.1 Definitions………….8
Figure 2.1: Visualisation Showing MaaS Integration Levels……8
2.2 Overview of MaaS Ecosystem …………9
2.2.1 Platform Type ……………9
i. Journey Planning …………9
ii. Journey Planning and Booking………9
iii. Journey Planning, Booking and Ticketing ……9
2.2.2 Platform Operator…………9
i. MaaS Vendors………..10
ii. Technology Providers……….10
iii. Public Operators………….10
iv. Private Operators ………..10
2.2.3 Platform User…………..10
i. Consumer MaaS ………..10
ii. Corporate MaaS………..10
2.3 Benefits of MaaS…………10
2.3.1 Consumer Benefits …………10
i. Cost Savings …………..10
Figure 2.2: Total Fuel Cost Savings for Consumers by Using Consumer MaaS ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027………. 11
ii. Personalisation………… 11
iii. Convenience ……….. 11
Figure 2.3: Total Time Savings for Consumers by Using Consumer MaaS (Million Hours), Split by 8 Key Regions ………..12
iv. Transport Coverage ……….. 12
v. Accessibility………….. 12
2.3.2 Corporate Benefits ………… 12
i. Social Responsibility ………… 12
ii. Improved Cost Management……… 13
iii. Cost Savings………… 13
iv. Personalisation……….. 13
Figure 2.4: Visualisation of Features and Functionality Provided by Citymapper ………………13
2.3.3 Societal Benefits…………. 13
i. Increased Safety……….. 13
ii. Reduced Congestion……….. 14
iii. Reduced Environmental Impact……….. 14
iv. Increase in Urban Real Estate……….. 14
2.4 MaaS Challenges …………… 14
2.4.1 Fragmentation………… 14
2.4.2 Motor Insurance ………… 15
2.4.3 Data Security and User Privacy …….. 15
2.4.4 Accessibility & Digitisation…….. 15
2.4.5 Lack of Diverse Solutions………. 16
2.4.6 Legislation…………… 16
2.4.7 Business Models ………… 16
Figure 2.5: Visualisation of MaaS Payment Methods……17
i. Subscription Model ……….17
ii. Ad Hoc Model………..17
2.5 MaaS Drivers …………..18
2.6 Future Technologies in MaaS ………..21
2.6.1 Autonomous Vehicles…………21
Figure 2.9: Visualisation of Adoption of Autonomous Vehicles….. 22
i. Concerns Surrounding Autonomous Vehicles……22
2.6.2 Artificial Intelligence………..22
2.6.3 Machine Learning………..22

3. Market Segments

3.1 Introduction…………24
Figure 3.1: Visualisation of Segments in MaaS ……. 24
3.2 Ride Sharing ……………24
3.2.1 Changes in Infrastructure Required………25
3.2.2 Drawbacks of Implementing Ride Sharing in MaaS …….25
3.2.3 Potential for Data Collection………25
3.2.4 Deployments to Date………….25
3.2.5 Barriers to MaaS Implementation……..25
Figure 3.2: Examples of Ride Sharing Services, July 2022…… 26
3.3 Ticketing…………..27
3.3.1 Changes to Infrastructure Required ……..27
3.3.2 Potential for Data Collection………27
3.3.3 Number of Incentives Required ………..27
3.3.4 Deployment to Date………..27
3.3.5 Barriers to MaaS Implementation……..27
3.4 Shared Micromobility…………28
Figure 3.3: Visualisation Showing Willing Micromobility Usage…. 28
3.4.1 Changes to Infrastructure Required ……..28
3.4.2 Potential for Data Collection………28
3.4.3 Number of Incentives Required……….. 28
3.4.4 Deployment to Date ………. 28
3.4.5 Barriers to MaaS Implementation ……….. 29
Figure 3.4: Examples of Shared Micromobility Services, July 2022 …….30
3.5 Autonomous Vehicles……….. 31
3.5.1 Changes to Infrastructure Required…….. 31
Figure 3.5: Figure Displaying Regions where Autonomous Vehicles are Permitted (including for on-road testing) ……….31
3.5.2 Potential for Data Collection …….. 32
3.5.3 Number of Incentives Required……….. 32
3.5.4 Deployment to Date ………. 32
3.5.5 Barriers to MaaS Implementation ……….. 32
3.6 Electric Vehicles …………. 33
3.6.1 Changes to Infrastructure Required…….. 33
Figure 3.6: EV Charging Segments………….34
3.6.2 Potential for Data Collection …….. 34
3.6.3 Number of Incentives Required……….. 34
3.6.4 Deployment to Date ………. 35
3.6.5 Barriers to MaaS Implementation ……….. 35
3.7 Demand-responsive Transport ……….. 35
3.7.1 Changes to Infrastructure Required…….. 35
3.7.2 Potential for Data Collection …….. 35
3.7.3 Number of Incentives Required……….. 35
3.7.4 Deployment to Date ………. 35
3.7.5 Barriers to MaaS Implementation ……….. 36

4. Regional Analysis

4.1 Introduction…………… 38
4.1.1 North America………… 38
i. US…………… 38
ii. Canada …………. 38
Figure 4.1: Total Number of MaaS Journeys (m), split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027…………….. 39
4.1.2 Latin America…………..39
i. Brazil …………..39
4.1.3 West Europe…………40
i. Finland ……………40
ii. France ……………41
iii. Netherlands………….41
iv. UK………….42
Figure 4.2: Total Number of Consumer MaaS Users (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027…………… 43
4.1.4 Central & East Europe…………43
i. Poland…………43
ii. Turkey ……………44
4.1.5 Indian Subcontinent………..44
i. India ……………44
4.1.6 Far East & China ………….45
i. South Korea……………45
ii. Japan ………….45
4.1.7 Rest of Asia Pacific……….45
i. Australia………….45
4.1.8 Africa & Middle East………..46
i. South Africa……………46
Figure 4.3: Total Number of MaaS Users (m), Split by Regions, 2022-2027 …. 47

2. Competitor Leaderboard

1. Competitor Leaderboard and Vendor Profiles

Table 1.1: Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Mobility-as-a-Service
Vendors Included & Product Portfolio……..5
Figure 1.2: Juniper Research Leaderboard: Mobility-as-a-Service Vendors….6
Table 1.3: Juniper Research Leaderboard: Mobility as a Service Vendors &
Positioning ……………..6
Table 1.4: Juniper Research Leaderboard Heatmap: Mobility-as-a-Service …7
1.1 Mobility as a Service Vendor Profiles ……..8
1.1.1 Citymapper ……………8
i. Corporate Information ……….8
ii. Geographic Spread…………8
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……8
iv. High-level View of Offerings ……..8
Figure 1.5: Citymapper App ………….9
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities…..9
1.1.2 Cubic Transportation Systems……..9
i. Corporate Information ……….9
ii. Geographic Spread…………9
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships……9
iv. High-level View of Offerings ……….10
Figure 1.6: Three Main Drivers of MaaS ………. 10
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities…11
1.1.3 Fluidtime…………..11
i. Corporate Information …………11
ii. Geographic Spread……….11
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……..11
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 12
Figure 1.7: User Interface for Fluidhub………12
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities .. 12
1.1.4 GoTo Global………… 13
i. Corporate Information………… 13
ii. Geographic Spread …………. 13
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……. 13
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 13
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities .. 13
1.1.5 Greenlines Technology …………. 14
i. Corporate Information………… 14
ii. Geographic Spread …………. 14
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……. 14
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 14
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities .. 14
1.1.6 HERE Technologies ………… 15
i. Corporate Information………… 15
ii. Geographic Spread …………. 15
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……. 15
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 15
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities .. 16
1.1.7 Karhoo…………. 17
i. Corporate Information………… 17
ii. Geographic Spread …………. 17
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……. 17
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 17
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities .. 17
1.1.8 MaaS Global…………18
i. Corporate Information …………18
ii. Geographic Spread……….18
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……..18
iv. High-level View of Offerings ……….18
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities…18
1.1.9 Masabi ………….19
i. Corporate Information …………19
ii. Geographic Spread……….19
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……..19
iv. High-level View of Offerings ……….19
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities…20
1.1.10 Mobilleo………….20
i. Corporate Information …………20
ii. Geographic Spread……….20
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……..20
iv. High-level View of Offerings ……….21
Figure 1.8: Visualisation of Mobilleo App …….. 21
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities…21
1.1.11 Moovit…………21
i. Corporate Information …………21
ii. Geographic Spread……….22
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……..22
iv. High-level View of Offerings ……….22
Figure 1.9: Moovit’s Process for Users ……… 23
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities…23
1.1.12 Ridecell …………..23
i. Corporate Information …………23
ii. Geographic Spread……….23
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships……..23
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 23
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities .. 24
1.1.13 Siemens Mobility …………. 24
i. Corporate………….. 24
ii. Geographic Spread …………. 25
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……. 25
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 25
Figure 1.10: Visualisation of Siemens MaaS ……..26
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities .. 26
1.1.14 SkedGo………….. 26
i. Corporate Information………… 26
ii. Geographic Spread …………. 26
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……. 26
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 27
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities .. 27
1.1.15 Trafi …………… 27
i. Corporate Information………… 27
ii. Geographic Spread …………. 28
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……. 28
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 28
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities .. 28
1.1.16 Tranzer………….. 28
i. Corporate Information………… 28
ii. Geographic Spread …………. 29
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships ……. 29
iv. High-level View of Offerings………. 29
v. Juniper Research’s View: Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities .. 29
1.2 Juniper Research Leaderboard Assessment Methodology…… 30
1.2.1 Limitations & Interpretations ……….. 30
Table 1.11: Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard Scoring Criteria …..31

3. Data & Forecasting

1. Introduction and Market Summary

1.1 Introduction…………..4
1.1.1 Definitions………….4
Figure 1.1: Visualisation Showing MaaS Integration Levels……4

2. Forecast Summary

2.1 Introduction…………..7
2.2 Users & Revenue…………..7
2.2.1 Total Number of MaaS Users……….7
Figure & Table 2.1: Total Number of MaaS Users (m), Split by 8 Key Regions 2022-2027…………..7
2.2.2 Total Number of MaaS Journeys ……..8
Figure & Table 2.2: Total Number of MaaS Journeys (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027…………..8
2.2.3 Total MaaS Revenue …………9
Figure & Table 2.3: Total MaaS Revenue ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027…9
2.3 Achievable Savings …………10
2.3.1 Total Time Saved by Using MaaS……….10
Figure & Table 2.4: Total Time Saved by Using MaaS (Million Hours), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027 ………… 10
2.3.2 Number of Private Car Journeys Displaced by MaaS…..11
Figure & Table 2.5: Number of Private Car Journeys Displaced by MaaS (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027 ………… 11
2.3.3 Total Fuel Cost Savings by Using MaaS …….12
Figure & Table 2.6: Total Number of Corporate MaaS Journeys (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027 …………… 12
2.3.4 Total CO2 Reduction from Private Car Journeys Displaced by MaaS …13
Figure & Table 2.7: Total CO2 Reduction from Private Car Journeys Displaced by MaaS (MMT), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027………13
2.4 Miles Travelled Through MaaS ………… 14
2.4.1 Total Number of Miles Travelled Through MaaS ……. 14
Figure & Table 2.8: Total Number of Miles Travelled Through MaaS, Split by 5 Modes of Transport, 2022-2027…………14

3. Consumer MaaS Market Forecasts

3.1 Introduction…………… 16
3.2 Forecast Methodology………. 16
3.2.1 Users & Revenue Forecast Methodology…….. 16
3.2.2 Achievable Savings Forecast Methodology……… 16
3.2.3 Miles Travelled Through Different Transportation Modes Within MaaS Forecast Methodology………… 17
Figure 3.1: Consumer MaaS Users & Revenue Forecast Methodology..18
Figure 3.2: Consumer MaaS Achievable Savings Forecast Methodology ..19
Figure 3.3: Consumer Miles Travelled Through the Modes of MaaS…..20
3.3 Users & Revenue…………… 21
3.3.1 Total Number of Consumer MaaS Users…….. 21
Figure & Table 3.4: Total Number of Consumer MaaS Users (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027 …………21
3.3.2 Total Number of Consumer MaaS Journeys……. 22
Figure & Table 3.5: Total Number of Consumer MaaS Journeys (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027 …………22
3.3.3 Total Consumer MaaS Revenue……….. 23
Figure & Table 3.6: Total Consumer MaaS Revenue ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027…………….23
3.4 Achievable Savings………… 24
3.4.1 Total Time Saved for Consumers by Using Consumer MaaS …24
Figure & Table 3.7: Total Time Saved for Consumers by Using Consumer MaaS
(Million Hours), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027 …….. 24
3.4.2 Total Number of Private Car Journeys Displaced by Consumer MaaS 25
Figure & Table 3.8: Total Number of Private Car Journeys Displaced by Consumer MaaS (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027 …… 25
3.4.3 Total Fuel Cost Savings for Consumers by Using Consumer MaaS …..26
Figure & Table 3.9: Total Fuel Cost Saving for Consumers by Using Consumer MaaS ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027……. 26
3.4.4 Total CO2 Reduction from Private Car Journeys Displaced by Consumer MaaS …………..27
Figure & Table 3.10: Total CO2 Reduction from Private Car Journeys Displaced by Consumer MaaS (MT CO2e), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027……. 27
3.5 Total Miles Travelled Through Consumer MaaS……..28
Figure & Table 3.11: Total Miles Travelled Through MaaS Consumers (Miles), Split by 5 Modes of Transport, 2022-2027………. 28

4. Corporate MaaS Market Forecast

4.1 Introduction…………30
4.2 Forecast Methodology ……….30
4.2.1 Users & Revenue Forecast Methodology ……..30
4.2.2 Achievable Savings Forecast Methodology ………30
4.2.3 Miles Travelled Through Different Transportation Modes Within MaaS Forecast Methodology …………30
Figure 4.1: Corporate MaaS Users & Revenue Forecast Methodology ….. 32
Figure 4.2: Corporate MaaS Achievable Savings Forecast Methodology ….. 33
Figure 4.3: Corporate Miles Travelled Through the Modes of MaaS …. 34
4.3 Users & Revenue…………35
4.3.1 Total Number of Corporate MaaS Users………35
Figure & Table 4.4: Total Number of Corporate MaaS Users (000s), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027 …………… 35
4.3.2 Total Number of Corporate MaaS Journeys……..36
Figure & Table 4.5: Total Number of Corporate MaaS Journeys (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027 …………36
4.3.3 Total Corporate MaaS Revenue ……….. 37
Figure & Table 4.6: Total Corporate MaaS Revenue ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027…………….37
4.4 Achievable Savings………… 38
4.4.1 Total Time Saved for Businesses by Using Corporate MaaS…. 38
Figure & Table 4.7: Total Time Saved for Businesses by Using Corporate MaaS (Million Hours), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027………38
4.4.2 Total Number of Private Car Journeys Displaced by Corporate MaaS 39
Figure & Table 4.8: Total Number of Private Car Journeys Displaced by Corporate MaaS (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027 …….39
4.4.3 Total Fuel Cost Savings for Businesses by Using Corporate MaaS.. 40
Figure & Table 4.9: Total Fuel Cost Savings for Businesses by Using Corporate MaaS ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027……..40
4.4.4 Total CO2 Reduction from Private Car Journeys Displaced by Corporate MaaS …………….. 41
Figure & Table 4.10: Total CO2 Reduction from Private Car Journeys Displaced by  Corporate MaaS (MT CO2e), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2022-2027….41
4.5 Miles Travelled Through the Different Modes of Transport in MaaS ….. 42
4.5.1 Total Miles Travelled Through Corporate MaaS …. 42
Figure & Table 4.11: Total Miles Travelled Through Corporate (Million Miles), Split by 5 Modes of Transport, 2022-2027………..42


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