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범죄자 전자 감시 솔루션

출판:Berg Insight 출판년월:2021년12월

・Electronic Offender Monitoring Solutions 1st edition
범죄자 전자 감시 솔루션 제1판

폐이지수 77
Single user license Eur 1,000
2-10 User license Eur 1,500
Corporate license Eur 2,000
구성 영문조사보고서

리포트목차    주문/문의    납기/라이센스안내

Sample Request

유럽, 북미, 라틴 아메리카의 2020년 감시 대상자의 일일 평균 취급 건수는 각각 약 4만 6,000, 28만 2,000, 7만 1,000이었습니다. 2020년 시장가치는 북미에서는 8억 2,300만 달러, 유럽에서는 1억 8,900만 달러, 라틴 아메리카에서는 5,400만 달러에 달했다. 벨그 인사이트는 2025년 감시 대상자의 일일 평균 취급 건수는 유럽에서는 6만 7,000, 북미에서는 49만, 라틴 아메리카에서는 15만 3,000이 될 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. 시장가치는 2020년 11억 달러에서 2025년 16억 달러로 성장했으며 CAGR은 7.9%가 될 것으로 예측。

Berg Insight「범죄자 전자 감시 솔루션 제1판 – Electronic Offender Monitoring Solutions 1st edition」는 북미, 유럽, 라틴 아메리카의 범죄자 전자 감시 솔루션 시장을 조사하고 관련 기업 정보, 최신 시장 동향, 주요 발전에 대해 분석 해설하고 있습니다. 또한 주요지역의 2025년까지 시장 예측도 제공하고 있습니다。

주요 게재 내용

  1. 범죄자 전자 감시
      1. 형사 사법 제도
    1. 범죄자 전자 감시 프로그램
    2. 범죄자 전자 모니터링 인프라
  2. 시장 분석 및 예측
    1. 시장 전망
    2. 시장 예측
    3. 시장 성장 촉진 요인 및 동향
  3. 기업 정보 및 전략

Executive Summary

What are the latest developments on the Electronic Offender Monitoring market?

Electronic monitoring (EM) programmes was first introduced in the US in the early 1980s. Today, EM is an established alternative to detention across Europe and North America and in some Latin American countries. EM can be used in various stages of the criminal justice system, including at pre-trial, at sentencing and following a period of incarceration. There are two dominant technologies used for electronic monitoring – Radio Frequency (RF) and GPS. RF technology was the first technology to be used, enabling agencies to remotely monitor if offenders sentenced to home curfew complied with the rules of the programme. RF-based systems are today the most common type of solution in most European countries. In the US, Brazil and other countries in Latin America, GPS-based solutions are more common.

A number of private companies and public authorities are involved in the provisioning of EM, including supplying and installing equipment, providing monitoring as well as undertaking enforcement. In North America, Latin America and in some European jurisdictions, private sector companies have a high involvement. In most European countries, private companies mainly supply equipment and software while public authorities are responsible for installation, monitoring and enforcement. Leading providers of EM equipment and services include US-based BI Inc. (GEO Group), Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Securus Technologies, Track Group, Sentinel Offender Services and Sierra Wireless; UK-based Buddi and G4S (Allied Universal); Israel-based Attenti and SuperCom, and Brazil-based Spacecom and Synergye.

The average daily caseload of monitored individuals in Europe, North America and Latin America amounted to about 46,000, 282,000 and 71,000 respectively during 2020. Berg Insight estimates that the number of daily users will grow to 67,000 in Europe, 490,000 in North America and 153,000 in Latin America in 2025. The market value in 2020 reached US$ 823 million in North America, US$ 189 million in Europe and US$ 54 million in Latin America. The combined market value in the three regions is forecasted to grow by a CAGR of 7.9 percent, from US$ 1.1 billion in 2020 to reach US$ 1.6 billion in 2025.

This report will allow you to:

  • Benefit from 15 new executive interviews with market leading companies.
  • Identify key players on the European, North American and Latin American EM market.
  • Learn about the latest market trends and key developments.
  • Understand the opportunities and challenges on the EM market.
  • Predict future trends and drivers for uptake of EM equipment and services.
  • Profit from updated regional market forecasts lasting until 2025.


Executive summary

1 Electronic offender monitoring

1.1 The criminal justice system
1.1.1 Correctional population
1.2 Electronic offender monitoring programmes
1.2.1 North America
1.2.2 Europe
1.2.3 Latin America
1.2.4 EM programme costs
1.3 Electronic offender monitoring infrastructure
1.3.1 Device segment
1.3.2 Positioning segment
1.3.3 Network segment
1.3.4 Platform segment

2 Market analysis and forecasts

2.1 Market landscape
2.1.1 EM equipment and service vendor market shares
2.1.2 Mergers and acquisitions in the electronic offender monitoring industry
2.2 Market forecasts
2.3 Market drivers and trends
2.3.1 Prison overcrowding issues worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic
2.3.2 Growing adoption of victim protection solutions
2.3.3 Stronger focus on software and analytics within offender monitoring
2.3.4 Alternative monitoring solutions are gaining ground

3 Company profiles and strategies

3.1.1 Alcohol Monitoring Systems
3.1.2 Attenti
3.1.3 BI Incorporated (GEO Group)
3.1.4 Buddi
3.1.5 Comp Electronic Monitoring
3.1.6 Corrisoft
3.1.7 G4S (Allied Universal)
3.1.8 Geosatis
3.1.9 Laipac Technology
3.1.10 Securus Technologies
3.1.11 Sentinel Offender Services
3.1.12 Sierra Wireless
3.1.13 Spacecom
3.1.14 SuperCom
3.1.15 Synergye
3.1.16 Track Group
3.1.17 Upstreem


List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Prison populations and occupancy levels in North America (2020)……4
Figure 1.2: Prison populations and occupancy levels in Europe (EU19+3 2020)……5
Figure 1.3: Prison populations and occupancy levels in Latin America (2020) ….7
Figure 1.4: Population in pre-trial, on parole or probation (Americas and Europe 2020)….8
Figure 1.5: Electronic monitoring programmes in North America (2020) ……..10
Figure 1.6: Electronic monitoring programmes in Europe (2020)……..14
Figure 1.7: Electronic monitoring infrastructure …………..22
Figure 1.8: Different EM device form factors ………….24
Figure 1.9: Electronic monitoring application…………30
Figure 2.1: EM vendor landscape………………32
Figure 2.2: Leading EM solution providers in Europe and the Americas (Q3-2021)….34
Figure 2.3: Acquisitions in the electronic offender monitoring industry (2007-2021)…..38
Figure 2.4: Offender monitoring systems and revenues (North America 2020-2025)….41
Figure 2.5: Offender monitoring systems and revenues (Europe 2020-2025) ……42
Figure 2.6: Offender monitoring systems and revenues (Latin America, 2020-2025)….43
Figure 3.1: The SCRAM product portfolio …………..49
Figure 3.2: Attenti Tracker 1 GPS device…………….51
Figure 3.3: BI LOC8 GPS ankle tag and SmartLINK app …………54
Figure 3.4: Buddi Smart Tag……………..56
Figure 3.5: Geosatis’ electronic ankle bracelet …………62
Figure 3.6: S911 Enforcer electronic monitoring bracelet………..63
Figure 3.7: BLUtag GPS device and mobile charger …………65
Figure 3.8: OM500 GPS ankle tag……………..68
Figure 3.9: Spacecom offender monitoring solution………….70
Figure 3.10: PureCom home unit and PureTag RF ankle tag ……..71
Figure 3.11: Synergye Phoenix GPS ankle tag …………73
Figure 3.12: ReliAlert XC4 GPS device and BACtrack alcohol monitoring system……75
Figure 3.13: ActiveTrack and ActiveHome…………..77


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